Staying Warm AND Stylish–A Fab 40s Post

staying warm and stylish

Staying warm and stylish. I don’t know. I am finding it very hard to stay warm and remain stylish this winter. It’s like I’ve lost any style sense. I mean, when looking back on these pictures, the first thing that comes to my mind is bag lady. I mean what was I thinking?! Yet, as a Zara devotee (Yes, I’m not just limited to Forever 21!), I love looking online through their editorials for style inspiration. Does anyone else do this? Here’s a sample: just look at these three women adorned in vibrant colors, rich textures, and an abundance of bohemian luxe. During this particularly colder than normal Hong Kong winter, I’ve been dressing so oddly. I’m attempting Zara editorial, but I’m not quite sure I’m coming anywhere close! In my opinion, staying warm and stylish is pretty tough.

staying warm and stylish

staying warm and stylish

staying warm and stylish

staying warm and stylish

staying warm and stylish

But wait a minute…the Fab 40s are staying warm and stylish with ease. I think I need to take a cue from my blogging buddies here, and try to keep things a little more simple. Take note on the following very stylish women who are obviously warm and cozy at the same time.

I can’t remember which hashtag on Instagra led me to Ashley, but I was immediately smitten by her. I spent a bit of time on her blog, Fancy Stuff and Pretty Things; it was when I read her FAQ page that I knew I had to invite her to join us this month. Like me, Ashley pays her 14 year old to take her pictures. Sound familiar!? I love it!! I’m not the only momming blogger out there bribing my kid to take my pictures. I was laughing out loud at this point. I could really relate to Ashley. Plus, I love her statuesque style. Her cropped hair, classic suiting yet casual ease, and yes the Joan Cusack look alike, had me hooked. Well, and red boots too. Am I right?!

Suzy Turner became a permanent member of the Fab 40s this month. She was Jennie’s guest last month, yet we all wanted her back for more. Suzy’s natural beauty is so refreshing. She’s raw and pure. It’s like those light eyes of hers exude an old soul kindness and serenity. I always appreciate Suzy so much; she’s usually one of the first to comment on my posts which always makes me feel so good. I was so happy that everyone agreed that Suzy should join us on a monthly basis.

Mary! She’s in pants!! Overalls even. It’s not often that Mary goes casual, but here’s proof that she’s still super stylish with her weekend vibe going on. I can understand why she’s not in a dress–wearing them is chilly unless there are layers of trousers underneath. Mary, I wish I had your Targé jacket; I have the matching pants!!

Now this is how to wear a faux fur leopard coat. I am taking serious note Jennie! Like me she has tons of texture going on so Jennie looks so chic and very luxe. Simple, with the black monochromatic styling, is what works here. Jennie isn’t trying hard at all. In fact she’s effortlessly cool. Yes, I am indeed taking note!

I do believe Sheela is in New York for New York Fashion Week in this shot. How cool right?! Going to NYFW is on my bucket list. I must go one day in my life. Just admire Sheela. She totally looks like she belongs there. Of course she does. She’s our fearless Queen She. And with a pink faux fur and thigh high boots, she’s not warm, she’s HOT!

Ok, here I am. I will attempt to explain myself here. I do have heat technology underneath plus velvet leggings. Those two layers are keeping me warm along with my faux fur leopard coat. The hat was not really necessary, but I’ve been loving all the berets this winter season; plus I needed some bling. The tunic, well I needed it to cover the tight turtleneck and leggings– I’m never wearing those on their own! Cowyboy boots? Why not! And two bags? Sure.

I don’t know. It’s definitely a bit much. Was I warm? Yes! Stylish? Hmmm, no hard feelings if you don’t think so!! Hahah! This winter I’ve been going for bag lady style! Hahah!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

15 thoughts on “Staying Warm AND Stylish–A Fab 40s Post

  1. You know, to quote my fairy godfather Tim Gunn, there’s a lot going on with your look, Annie, but it works. It really does. All that vibrant colour, and varying textures, and two very loud prints going at it. Everything just works cohesively. I’d say you struck a gorgeous moment of serendipity, my friend, something we all strive for when putting together an outfit, and often missing the mark by miles!!! Yours is my fave look for this month. My absolute fave xoxo

  2. I think the floral dress is having a real skirmish with the leopard coat that’s all. I’m not sure why you felt you had to cover those red velvet leggings. They’re great with the coat. Also, without the coat the dress over the legging is also cool!
    For me pattern mixing is about finding prints that are in similar color but different in scale or design. My favorite is stripes with florals. Of course I only make my rules for me! Clearly you’ve captured Sheela’s heart so… so there!
    Stay warm dear girl!

    1. Oooh, Jude! I gotta a belly! You’d never know it since I hide it. 😛 I also have a bum!! Let’s just say I’m shapelier than I lead on because I conceal! Hahah. For now, I’ll need to lose a gazillion stone before you find me in just a raw pair of leggings. No way José!

      And yes, I think you’re right–maybe it’s the leopard and floral that aren’t working. Or maybe if I would have gone with my crushed black velvet leggings instead of ruby red. Oh well. What’d done is done and live on the Internet! Hahah!

      Until next month when I can only try to style better. 😀

      Love, Annie

      1. Sheesh Annie! We all have bellies, and bums too!
        I know what you’re saying though. I haven’t unloaded my holiday weight yet and I’ve done some disguising myself.
        You know, tunics/ dresses can pose a problem for a mid length coat like this leopard one of yours too. I have a lot of short jackets that I just don’t like with a longer top sticking out below. You sort of hit on one of the difficulties of cold weather dressing! You pretty much must have coats/ jackets of many lengths!
        I think you look great my dear. You be you, that’s my favorite!

  3. I can see bohemian meets luxe with a dash of playfulness. I love how you have fun with your looks, sweet Annie, and aren’t afraid to take a risk! I like your layers and bold style choices. Your sequined beret and cat eye sunnies are killing me… Love it!

    1. Thank you Jennie! To tell you the truth I did have a bit of fun after this shoot. My daughter and I went to a French café and had the best baguette with ham and cheese every. I mean we could have been in France. Plus, there was a little old man who sat by our table and played the clarinet. It was a lovely afternoon spent with my little photographer!

      The sunnies are from Zara. Get ’em!

      Love, Annie

  4. I think you rock!, and I love this outfit, love the boho attitude, the layers, the textures and prints, the sequined beret, the leopard, the velvet leggings, the bags!. That sheer tunic is a stunning piece!
    And so fabulous ladies!, lots of inspiration!

  5. Annie, I think you look fabulous in all that colour and texture. When I first saw it, I certainly did NOT think bag lady! I think you’ve captured a warm and fun look here and I wish I could carry off that the way you do, my friend! THANK YOU so much for such wonderful words… I am truly honoured to be a part of your group, Annie. After I was a guest last month, I was hoping (fingers crossed and everything lol) that I might be asked to return so imagine my delight when you did just that! I’m a very happy gal right now!!
    Big hugs
    Suzy xx

  6. How Fabulous Annie!
    That lipstick really pops on you and looks amazing.
    It’s great to see the fab 40’s again and I LOVE Suzy’s blog, he style and (as you rightly put it) her natural beauty!
    Bravo to you all… smashing it (as always)

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