I Love Hong Kong: Stanley Market

It’s been a bit since I added to my I love Hong Kong series. There is one place in Hong Kong that I love above and beyond all the other neighborhoods, and that is my own: Stanley Market. There is so much to Stanley, Hong Kong. Stanley is an old fishing village, and out my living room window I am able to see some remnants of the fisherman. There are not nearly as many boats as there used to be, but there are still some. Stanley’s main claim to fame these days is the market, where these pictures were taken. Stanley Market is basically my backyard. In fact from my bedroom balcony, I can look straight down into the market.

Stanley Market

I pass through the market often, yet it’s not always that I open my eyes. I mean the market is filled with all sorts of tchotchke for the tourist to pick up, yet there are also some great gems to be found. More important than any item to be picked up are the local people running the market who have become my friendly neighbor. The flower lady always says hello and asks how I am. The lady selling kids’ clothes always gives me a smile as does the fruit vendor. There’s this cute little man–I actually think he may be a security guard, but he always inquires on my health. The people here in the market may not know my name, but they know my face and treat me like the local I have become after living 5 years in Stanley Market.

Stanley Market

Look at all the stuff! Stanley Market is the ideal place to hop down and grab a little gift for someone or even for myself. There are stuffed panda bears, swimming suits, artwork, all sorts of HK tee shirts, sunglasses, plus all the Chinese tourist items galore. There’s a drugstore, four grocery stores, my seamstress, a hardware store, a dry cleaner, a 7 Eleven, coffee shops, restaurants, bubble tea and ice cream, belts, purses, antiquities, shall I stop?! I think so!

Stanley Market

I even know all the dogs! These two beagles always get my attention: here look how Sofie poses! It’s as if she’s a blogger! Ha!! These two dogs belong to the daughter of my florist. As I know their dogs, they also know Rani. Once the florist asked about Rani’s gentle leader wondering if it was a muzzle. There’s one lady in the neighborhood they we always get a kick out of because she and her dog look exactly alike. Has that happened with Rani and us?!

Stanley Market

For a tourist market to be successful, it needs tourists, and Stanley Market is packed! It’s beyond crowded on a Saturday and Sunday, and while at times it’s troublesome, I rather enjoy all the people watching. Take for instance the photo below: do you notice anything unusual? Like a child on a leash for example? I find that odd, but maybe that’s how children are kept track of these days. I recall holding my children’s hands, but I can see how this creates ease in a crowd–at least for the mind anyway. Oh, it was so scary when we lost Gigi down at the Gateway of Bombay for a few moments too long!

Stanley Market

This is my local market and neighborhood that I adore! I absolutely love Stanley Market!

Do you live near a market?

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!