Long ago, in 1992, I was leaving for a year to study abroad in Florence, Italy. My sister gave me the nicest, most thoughtful, going away gift: a silver St. Christopher medal. It was engraved and everything. (I can’t seem to remember the message, but it was definitely special.) St. Christopher is the patron saint of travel. I cherished this protection talisman and wore it every day….
Until I lost it! It was not even a couple of months into the program. There was a school skiing trip for the weekend. I remember it was a beautiful, bright blue sunny day. I took off some layers to cool myself off but then instantly grabbed at my neck. The necklace had fallen off–since it was long enough to pull over my neck. I was in the snow and began frantically searching for it. Well, searching in snow is similar to sand. It was lost and most likely sinking as well as being more and more buried with every swipe of my looking. I started crying right then and there.
Eventually I abandoned the search; St. Christopher was hopefully found in the spring by another traveler. I never did forget about that gorgeous pendant and the sweetness with which it was given. Then, just recently, something happened on Monday, February 24, 2020. My sister sent me this gorgeous gold St. Christopher medal for my birthday! She gave him to me again!
I was stunned when it arrived in the mail. I gasped out load. I was at work, and it was crazy busy, but I had just received such a special present. I took a moment and went to the restroom. Before I even made it there I was bawling. Oh, did I have a good cry: so many memories started flooding back to me. The purpose of my entire adult life–travel–presented itself once again. I had another St. Christopher to protect me. And right about now, with what’s been going on in Hong Kong–let alone the world, the timing of this gift couldn’t be more perfect!
It’s true: I haven’t taken this medal off since I received it last week. It is long enough to pull over my neck, so I am extremely careful with it. The first chance I get, I plan to have it shortened just a bit at the jeweler’s. I find myself holding onto it… thinking about my sister, my children, my husband, thinking about how blessed my life has been, thinking about the traveler that I am, thinking how St. Christopher has been protecting me all along the way. (Read here about the other deity that has been protecting me and my family over the years.)
Do you have something special you wear for “protection?”
St. Christopher, Protect Us
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