Spring’s First Visit to Big Wave Bay

Big Wave Bay

Thank goodness yesterday ended our spring break with a trip to Big Wave Bay! I’m just home from a day of work and feel exhausted; it’s always tough going back to work after a holiday. This time around we had a staycation in Hong Kong that included a visit from my newborn nephew who is now 3 months old. He’s beyond precious–if that’s even possible, but he really is. We also enjoyed a new adventure in Hong Kong: camping. Stay tuned for that experience later in the week. Each spring I always look forward to that first return to Big Wave Bay. Beach season in HK is now upon us, and it’s just such fun. It makes me blissfully happy! It’s also time to transfer my wardrobe–cold clothes go away while the warm summer styles come out. Like this white tunic dress for example…it seems to be my uniform for each year’s first return to Big Wave Bay. (Check out this blast from the past in 2014–back when I used to have long hair!)

Big Wave Bay

Big Wave Bay

Big Wave Bay

Big Wave Bay

Big Wave Bay

Brrr! The water was so cold!!

Do you get/have a spring break?
If so do you travel or have a staycation?

(Visited 257 times, 1 visits today)

Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

5 thoughts on “Spring’s First Visit to Big Wave Bay

  1. Oh how lovely, starting to think about summer holidays and warmer weather – love your tunic, that’s perfect for the beach to cover up with. Have a happy week. x Jacqui Mummabstylish

    1. Right?! We’re really close to the hotter weather here in Hong Kong. What’s crazy is the spring here in Hong Kong lasts a snap. Literally. But knowing beach weather is almost here is very comforting. Now, to work on the bod to fit in the swimsuit! Hahaha!

      Thank you for stopping by!

      Love, Ann

  2. My husband’s boys come to stay with us in Colorado each Spring break (and summer/winter/Thanksgiving/Christmas,etc). They live in Georgia during the school year. We usually hang out at the house and do fun things like golf, depending on the weather, maybe play in the snow, go the Rec center and swim/work out, take walks, watch movies, etc. Since one of his boys is severely disabled, we keep it close to home where he is most comfortable.

  3. I have loved this type of white on white embroidered dress since the early 70’s and have never stopped! You would look perfect on any beach in the world Annie! Your post from 2014 has such a romantic vibe. I love the little white flowers in your updo hair!!
    It’s pretty tough not to be envious of your lovely weather. Spring just doesn’t want to make an appearance in many areas of the US! Camping in Hong Kong just seems strange… Obviously, I have a mindset that is inaccurate so I’m really looking forward to that post!

  4. love your embroidered shirt, it looks fresh and summery with a hippie-chic twist!
    It’s lovely to see you enjoying the beach!. Spring break was spent painting our living room, mwhaha, not very relaxing!

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