Spring Styling in March

Spring Styling 1.2

Leather Jacket, this SWAP | Turtleneck, random shop in Hong Kong | Floral Midi Skirt, Forever 21 (still available!) | Vintage clutch, Spirit Lake 4th of July Park Picnic, Boots, Zara (from a visit in Hong Kong for Kevin’s brother’s wedding!)

I’m not going to let March get the best of my spring styling. Rather, I’ll add some spring touches while dressing for the inclement weather that falls upon us during a Hong Kong March. For example, the reason you cannot see the sky in these pics is the bay is currently surrounded in fog. It has been all week. And tomorrow the temperatures will drop again. We’ve entered the humid season, but come late April and definitely May, it will all be worth it with visits to the Hong Kong beaches. There are three things that I’ve done with this outfit that hint to spring styling, even though I was dressed warmly.

Spring Styling in March

1. Flowers! April showers will bring May flowers, but I’ll start wearing them in March!
2. Muted colors hint at a change in season. The greys and purples in this skirt are softer than my usual bold color scheme–Christmas plaid in December, a lot of blue in January, and a very red Februarly.
3. Gauzy texture in the form of my white turtleneck hints at just a touch of skin while still keeping me warm.

Spring Styling 4.2

Spring Styling 5

There’s a bit of a funny story behind this gauze turtleneck and its purchase with my mom. (My mom might get after me for writing this, but she doesn’t read this blog, so I think I’m safe since she’ll never know!) She was visiting Hong Kong, and of course we went shopping. I took her into one of those “off the truck” shops where everything has been made in China but never made it to the actual store. We found this turtleneck, and she tried it on right there in the store! I was like, Mommmmm! You can’t do that. But she did! And we bought two. I laugh just thinking about it. She wedged herself into the rack thinking that made her invisible. Oh, it was so funny! I love shopping with my mom–always have, always will.

Spring Styling 3.2

Spring Styling 2.2

What are you doing style wise to deal with the long, dreary last winter month called March?

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

14 thoughts on “Spring Styling in March

  1. What do you mean your mom doesn’t read your blog—I’m sure she does, but it’s a great story, so I’m glad you shared it!
    This outfit is such a great example of the dichotomy look that I truly love—-with the floral, lace & then that fabulous leather jacket!! Love it! jodie

    1. Thanks Jodie! Will see if she responds next time I talk to her. My mom says she doesn’t read it, but then every now and then she’ll say something, and I’ll think how’d she know that? Oh, the blog! Meanwhile, I joke to my husband that when my mom starts reading the blog, I will know that I’ve made it!

      I’m glad you like this outfit. I had to add some edge to the flouncy skirt–just to be me! A x

  2. Don’t be too sure, Annie, when I least expect it, either one of my parents will suddenly WhatsApp me their opinion/comment on a blog post. That’s when I go, mouth agape, rushing to the dashboard to check if I’d cussed a lot in that particular piece HA!!!

    I must say I was surprised to see this look on you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear anything muted before and it’s quite the departure from that bold, flamboyant side I’ve come to know so well. I also think you look very charming 🙂 I’ve personally never worn a circle skirt before, of any lengths, but that doesn’t stop me from appreciating it on someone else who’s carrying it off beautifully.

    1. When I pulled clothing for March, everything seems to be a bit muted. Christmas is so obvious and jubilant, January with winter seemed like a blue month, and of course with CNY and V-Day, Feb had to be red. I think now, it’s kind of nice to be soft and subtle. Rare for me, I know!

      I joke with Kevin that when my mom starts reading my blog, I will know I have made it! She always wanted me to write–but I think she was thinking more along the lines of a book. For now, this is what I can produce. Plus, she has been so influential with my personal style. We’ll see next time I talk to her, if she read it or not. Wanna take bets?!

      A x

  3. This is a great mix of rock chick and romantic belle. You look fabulous despite the weather playing havoc. March is so unpredictable. It’s been like a summer’s day here today.
    Anna x
    Anna’s Island Style

    1. So unpredictable–even in temperate Hong Kong. In fact, it just turned freezing on us again! With rain!! Oh well. Beach days will be here before we know it!! A x

  4. I am with your mom. I would do that, no problem. As for the outfit: ever so nice. And you can send that turtleneck over to me. Your outfit / post reminds me of my Hilfiger flower skirt. Now that I have that red short leather jacket, it will be a very good spring combination. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. Your skirt is fabulous. I would never think to pair it with flat taupe boots and dress it down this way, but it looks fantastic, Ann.

  6. Perfect Spring outfit. The boots and the turtle neck give you warm and the circle skirt and floral pattern give a little wave to Spring. It’s interesting you refer to March as being the long dreary last winter month as to me, March is always the start of Spring. The days are decidedly longer, the magnolias as blooming, the crocii and the daffs are out and my mood is lifting day by day slouching off any last remnants of Winter!
    I love the story of your Mum!


    1. Oh Jacqueline, it is seriously the most difficult month in Hong Kong! Jan and Feb get quite cold and it’s kind of exciting to have the weather. Then, by March it just drags on and on and on. For instance, this last week we’ve been drowing in a foggy soup! Luckily today there’s a bit of a breeze so perhaps we’ll see the sky. Maybe…? I’m glad spring has sprung for you! One of these days….! A x

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