Spring Break 2016 in Borneo, Malaysia

Travel is definitely an integral part of the life Kevin and I have created over the last twenty years. Without being too cliche I have to admit that I feel blessed by this way of life that we lead. I think it’s safe to say that everyone’s interpretation of wealth is different, and I will admit I feel wealthy with travel. I might not have a big house, not even a yard, but I do get to see the world with my family. I am exposed to different cultures and ways of life, and for this I feel rich. Recently, traveling through Malaysian Borneo was a magical and adventurous family excursion. I have plenty of woes–like a hip that continues to cause such pain, but even hobbling along on crutches didn’t stop me from enjoying the rainforests, jungles, and beaches of Borneo, Malaysia. In this post, we captured a few sunset pics on the beach–my absolute favorite time of day at my favorite place with my three favorite people!

off-the-shoulder top

Some Oufit Details

I made this off-the-shoulder from a mens shirt. It’s actually very simple and a tailor can easily help with the job. Cut off the top and roll an inch under to form the casing for the elastic. Run the elastic throgh, and presto! Instant off-the-shoulder goodness! Here’s this top styled with jeans and another post styled on a beach in Thailand. This top makes for a perfect beach coverup.

And now for some guest appearances of the loves of my life: Kevin, Vincent, and Gigi.

Link here for Spring Break ’15 and Spring Break 14.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

9 thoughts on “Spring Break 2016 in Borneo, Malaysia

    1. Awww, thanks Jodie! Sometimes, when it’s coming to these trends, I like to have a stab at it first. I should actually determine if I’m saving or not….Hahah!

      Yes, time away is amazing! I’m so lucky with my job! Next vacation is in about 8 weeks or so–SUMMER!!

      Jodie, thanks for always stopping by and commenting. Makes me feel so good!

      Love, Ann

    1. Thank you Jacqueline! This top is a favorite of mine. It’s perfect for the beach!! And I hope my hip gets better soon too! Ugh. I’ll be in the hospital this Tuesday getting cortisone injections–hopefully it will help.

      I am always happy to highlight the fam on K de la K! To think that’s how it started–as a family blog. These days though I’m very lucky if they permit an appearance! Hahaha!

      Love, Ann

  1. Stop making me miss home more than I already do 🙂 I’m glad you and yours had a wondrous time. Try to make it to Sarawak/Kuching next time xoxo

    1. Awww, Sheela! I know I’ve told you this, but I seriously thought of you so much while we were there. You have a beautiful home country. So beautiful and such kind people too. Just like you!

      Love, Annie

  2. I am so impressed with your creativity and that mens shirt – I have to give that a go! Pinning it to my Pinterest page now!!! I’m sure my hubby has a few in his closet he won’t miss, lol! What a beautiful vacation and family you have!

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