Whatever Happened to Skinny Jeans?

While wearing these jeans the other day, Kevin asked me the funniest question: Whatever happened to skinny jeans? I had to laugh out loud. For one, it obviously takes him a bit to catch on, but also his sense of sadness with those jeans no longer being a part of my jean collection was comical.

In all sincerity, I really don’t want to wear them again. I’m not going to say the “never” word; I might have to bite my tongue. Honestly though, I find skinny jeans to be utterly uncomfortable. They’re so tight!! I do have nice legs for them, but then it stops. I have a rear naturally, and I also have a stomach–I’m a 49-year-old woman with two teenagers! If I never have to wear a pair of skinny jeans again I will be grateful.

Oh, but do I have some funny stories about skinny jeans. Back when we lived in Venezuela in the early 2000s, I would hit up the market with my bestie Mary Kelly, and we would try so hard to find the pair/s that we could squeeze into. In fact, I have a memory from the pool club we used to go to in Caracas. This curvaceous lady, slowly but surely, stuffed every bit of her being into her skinny jeans. It took her about 20 minutes. She completed the act leisurely as if it were a sexual ritual. When all her bits were finally in, she laid down on the chaise lounge and very carefully zipped herself in. Oh, we had a blast watching that escapade!!

Now these wide-legged jeans? I’m all about them! There’s plenty of room. I feel comfortable. I’m not too hot. And finally, I like to think they flatter my physique.

How about you? Are you still wearing skinny jeans or have you stopped?

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!