A while ago, I came across this recipe for Nordic Crackers while I was browsing around on Tastespotting. Since, I’ve been making them plus our helper Emma has been perfecting the recipe. These crackers are sooooo good! The process of baking the cracker is a little time consuming, but the end result is pure delicious-ness!

Basically, at minimum choose three types of seeds that you want in the cracker–you can choose more of course. Our favorites tend to be sesame–black and white with sunflower seeds.
Set the oven to 400 degrees.
In a large bowl, mix 3/4 cup of each of your seeds.
Add 2 1/2 cups of a very hearty whole wheat flour. Within those 2 1/2 cups you could jointly come to the amount with some ground up oatmeal–basically anything hearty and healthy.
Add a tsp of salt and baking powder and optionally, any other herbs or flavors you might want to throw in.
Mix in 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil–this is where Emma has saved some calories and modified the original recipe. (You can add 3/4 cup oil as the original recipe states, or save on some cals.)
Finally add 1 1/2 cups water.
Mix this all up–it should be a very watery batter.
Now for the tricky part–baking the crackers. You want to take three pieces of parchment paper. Take a spoonful, and plop it onto one of the sheets. Take the second sheet of parchment, and place it on top of the batter. Now with a roller, gradually flatten the batter out–you can choose your thickness by rolling more or less. Take the top parchment sheet off and bake for about 12 minutes–or to the crispiness of your choice. Once you take the crackers out of the oven, you’ll want to score the cracker. Once the crackers of cooled, you can break them apart. We store ours in a large lock box; they keep forever! And, we always have them available.

These crackers remind me of a crispy version of this bread. Serve them with hummus or use them to make a simple sandwich. More often we just munch on them for a healthy snack!
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