Sailing, Takes Me Away….

My brother-in-law sailed my sister to me. It’s very extravagant sounding, but it’s the truth. I was sitting on Railay Beach in Thailand with my family. The sun was beginning its set. Meanwhile, texts were being exchanged between the two of us: “Can you see that cruise boat?” she texted. “I think you just passed us,” I wrote back. It was very, very surreal. And then, before we knew it, my niece and nephew were headed toward us on a dingy boat. We waded out to them in the low tide as Vincent pushed them in to us because the current was too strong for their oars. Once in the dingy’s motor got revving, we sped out to their catamaran sailboat. I hopped off and into my sister’s arms. It was a magical reunion–one I will not forget.

My sister’s husband’s family are sailors. Julie is a sailor–she has been since she dating Matthew at 15. Sadly Matthew’s father is gone, but his legacy of sailing, sailing around the world lives on. It was so spectacular to witness this gift that Mike and Carol Collins’ have given their family. Sailing is dynamic, adventurous, and very fun. I had to keep from squealing at times so as not to be disruptive. Both Vincent and Kevin were able to get involved helping with the sails. It definitely took the expertise of the captain, Matt, and his able crew to get us to our destination. Meanwhile, I was completely awed. It was very special for me to witness how and why sailing is so vital to my sister and her family. It was a unifying task of all involved–even for someone like me who simply just took pictures.

Not all of the sail is frenetic. There are bouts of calm filled with lazy lounges on the decks, gossip amongst the girls, and dips off the deck into the blue waters. Sailing in Thailand is magnificently beautiful with the colors changing before one’s eyes. It’s always sparkly–either from the sun rays filtering through to make diamonds on the water or the blue sky intensifying the turquoise sea water. Of course, the song, the favorite family song, “Sailing, Takes Me Away….” was on full blast and smiles were plastered on everyone’s faces.

Here we all were in the blue waters of Thailand as a Krembs/Collins family sailing away! Oh, it was pure magic!!

Thank you Carol/Frammie/Benny for sharing your family’s love of sailing with my family.

Have you ever been sailing?
What do you think of it? I’ve always thought it to be a thrilling experience ever since my dad took my sister and me as little girls–but that’s a whole other story for another day…

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

6 thoughts on “Sailing, Takes Me Away….

  1. What a completely wonderful story of reunion with your sister and her family. This is the kind of perfection that only seems to happen in movies and yet there you are wrapped in family love with the wind in your hair and the salty spray in your face. (Gigi is growing up way too fast and looking so pretty!) I’m hoping the memories of these moments will sustain you in those tough moments with pinky and your knee.Something to focus on during a tough workout? THESE are the days…
    Much love to you Ann!

    1. It was and IS movie worthy isn’t Jude! It felt that way too. It was all so surreal!

      And yes, my little nugget is turning into a young lady before my eyes!

      Love, Annie

  2. Oops!, forgot to say that I have sailed! I bajillion years ago on a lake in Oregon. Like you, I found it a completely exhilarating experience. One of those rare WAHOOOOO!!!! moments.

    1. For about 2-3 years my dad and uncle owned a boat that we would take out. It was so fun and completely exhilarating. My dad would take us boat camping on this little island on Lake Pend Oreille. Oh, memories!

      A x

  3. I’ve never sailed so I enjoyed your pictures and story. Sound magical…sailing in Thailand! I’ve been on a lot of boats (born and raised in Florida) and I always love it! I’m so happy for you and your family to experience this once in a lifetime type experience. And who doesn’t love that Christopher Cross song. I’ll be singing it all day! Just a dream and the wind to carry me, Soon I will be free!

    xo Cindy

    1. I have a funny story about the song too. I chose it as my father/daughter song at my wedding. My dad was like, “Why this song!” He took my sister and I sailing for a few years when we were younger. He owned a sailboat with my uncle–it was short lived but the memories are vivid!

      A x

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