
I finally found a pair of peep toed booties! Do you ever throw things into your Amazon shopping cart but never check out? Well I do. So when I saw these booties in my shopping cart this summer, I actually followed through, and I’m so happy I did. I love these shoes! They will get comfortable. It’s not that they weren’t, but it had been a while since my foot had been in a full shoe, so luckily my Band Aid blister stick helped out.
I bet you wouldn’t be able to guess how old this shirt is!? It’s been with me since my time in Saudi Arabia which was back in 2000! Every now and then, I’ll attempt to get rid of it, but it’s an animal print! How could I discard of snake! Plus, because of the material it’s still in excellent shape. When I just want a simple tee, it fits the bill. (If I ever have to replace it, this one would work.) The sleeveless blazer on the other hand is a redress. It used to have sleeves, but I brought it into my tailor, and she removed them. Now this sleeveless jacket will get more wear; I can just tell. Plus, it’s a hot fall trend as seen around on the fashion blogs.
Google+ did it again! When I uploaded the pics, it made me a motion gif. I just had to share.

Do you have any clothes that you’ve had since 2000? Do you need some help “redressing” your clothes? Let me know….You know I want to help!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “S-s-s-s-Snake

  1. Just love motion gif Annie and the peep toe booties! You really are celebrating Year of the Snake! I also liked following your links and seeing this years fall trend of sleeveless jackets. I really must learn more about this Pinterest app!

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