RV there yet?

This summer was the first ever Fru1 RV trip. Here’s the list of folks: Bumpa Doc and Nie, Auntie Mary, Uncle Adrian and Aunt Kate, Uncle Matthew and Auntie Julie with Ellie, Maeve, and Thomas, plus the Kremb de la Krembs. We had two RVs plus Kate’s folks’ Air Stream. Oh, I almost forgot the dogs: the bros Trouser and Moses, Keller, and Ruby.

Oh, did we have fun! What an adventure!

Bumpa Doc and Nie Nie with Trouser
FaMiLy PiC
Auntie Mary
The Captain
‘Sters Mary and Julie
‘Sters Annie and Julie
The Teenager
The Mountain Man
Just before the chaos….
Kate Fru
It’s 5 o’clock somewhere, right?!
RV there yet?






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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!