Rust Shrug–Ping Pong Post No. 6

Kremb de la Kremb Rust Shrug 1
Like my mother always said, “You never know until you try it on.” This was the case for our sixth instalment of the PPP. That means for half a year Anna (who got us started!), Samantha, and myself have been sending clothing across the globe for our own interpretations of styling a clothing item. I was definitely a Debbie Downer with the last piece. I did not mean to hurt the clothing item’s feelings (or the owner of the piece), but I just didn’t like it. But see, that’s part of our transatlantic fun! Who knows what will arrrive….and once we get the item, we have to figure out how we would actually style it. Which brings me to the item of this month’s ping pong post: a shrug, a rust colored shrug.

Kremb de la Kremb Rust Shrug 7

And again, I didn’t meant to be, but I was a bit of a Debbie Downer with this piece as well. I opened it, and was like, “Oh no!” I have always hated shrugs–well, hate is a strong word, but I just haven’t really liked them. I’ve thought shrugs were kind of silly–like not a cardigan and not a scarf. However, I did have the perfect sundress to pair it with–a dress I’d never be able to wear to work as it breaks the dress code. Because of circumstance, I put the rust shrug on and wore it with the sundress around the house for a good full hour or so before venturing out to take the pictures. And guess what!? I loved it! I found that the shrug provided me with the perfect amount of layering while in the air conditioning of our apartment. Then, walking down the promenade of Stanley to the Murray House where these pictures were taken, the shrug provided me with the perfect layer. I found that I actually liked the shrug; I was so surprised.

Kremb de la Kremb Rust Shrug 8
Initially, the reason I haven’t liked shrugs was because I know I’m a bit heavy on top, and I thought this clothing item would just draw attention to this area of insecurity. In turn, it actually distracted away for my décolletage providing me the perfect layer. So, mom is always right, right? I had to give it a try, and now I don’t want to have to send the item back. I want to wear the shrug to school so I can wear this sundress to work one day. Oh well….it’s already on it’s way back to Sam. However, guess who’s on the hunt for a shrug? Me!

Kremb de la Kremb Rust Shrug 5

Now let’s see what the other ladies did with the rust shrug…I think you’ll find that this is the first time all three of us have some styling similarities!

Samantha of Fake Fabulous

I remember when I first found Fake Fabulous and fell in love with Samantha; it was almost about a year ago. Anyway, when I found her blog, I started going through all her posts. I remember coming to this post of hers (you should seriously go look at it!) and just becoming even more smitten. This dress is the BOMB! And look how fabulous it looks on her. There’s nothin’ fake about it! Now notice that she styled the shrug with a patterned dress and tobacco colored clogs. Hmmm….any similarities? (And, ummm, that bag, it kind of has my name written all over it!)


Anna from Anna Island Style

Ok, let’s move on to Anna from Anna Island Style–the special lady who got our Ping Pong Posts started (this jacket from her Instagram feed was the impetus). Look at that skirt! It is amazing! I love the black petticoat underneath. It’s so full and fun and flirty. It screams, “Let’s go dancing!” And let’s have some fun while we’re at it. And like a pro stylist, she cinched in her waist with that black belt. And those wedges she’s wearing….ahhh, they make sigh. Again, do you see the similarities? Pattern skirt with a bunch of flare!


And me, Kremb de la Kremb

Kremb de la Kremb Rust Shrug 11
Like I said, I could never wear this dress to work, but I’d always like to. With a shrug that would be made possible. I pulled out the cowboy boots again for this one–just like I did for the very first Ping Pong Post with the famous jacket that got us started.

Kremb de la Kremb Rust Shrug 2
Since I’m on crutches (And yes, I walked to this shoot’s location in flip flops. My bionic hip is not ready for the slight heel yet!), I need a small purse to carry that doesn’t need my arms. This tobacco colored waist bag is perfect. All I usually carry is my small wallet, a lippy, and my phone. For jewellery I piled on dainty necklaces to finish the look.

Kremb de la Kremb Rust Shrug 3
All three of us paired the rust shrug with a patterned item. I find that uncanny. Usually we’re all quite different in our stylings, but not this time. I think that’s really cool especially since it hasn’t happened yet after six months of rotating clothes. I do believe we’ll keep this up and maybe make the sharing happen for six more!

Ping Pong Post Facts

Join us in all the fun platforms out there!

*This post has been linked to the #iwillwearwhatilike link up twice!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

10 thoughts on “Rust Shrug–Ping Pong Post No. 6

  1. First things first…..leave the girls alone!!!
    Cutting them up fills me with horror.
    You are perfect the way you are, and all of that cutting off nipples (and repositioning) and scarring and swelling and generally damaging your beautiful body makes me sad.
    You are in your 40’s, a mother, and wearing a bralet designed for teens…give the boobies a break!
    They look perfectly fine.
    I am sure your gorgeous husband loves you just the way you are.

    Okay…no sitting on the fence for me as far as an opinion is concerned!! :oP

    Back to your outfit….
    I actually laughed out loud when I saw how similar our outfits were.
    Tan (or tobacco) footwear and a patterned dress.
    I could not believe it!
    Shorts and bold clashes of colour was my guess for you and how wrong I was.
    You are all feminine, delicate, muted and tonal.
    The colour of the shrug is amazing against your skin and hair AND, no, I don’t mind you not liking it (I guessed you wouldn’t)

    Shrugs make me think of mumsy outfits and general frumpiness.
    However, this one looks perfect on you!
    I think the wider sleeve and slinkiness makes it work so well.
    You look flirty, cute and super sexy!

    I love it!!
    And, I especially love that belt bag…
    I’ve always fancied one but can’t find an affordable one in leather. The leather ones are extortionate and the fake ones are just a bit nasty.

    Anyway, I hope you are recovering well from your surgery and will be back in full working order soon.


    P.S. Just in case you missed my point……you are perfect the way you are!

    1. Oh Sam! <3 U! I know the Girls are fine the way they are, but they are something on my body that I have been self conscious of since I was like 13! They often feel too big for my frame. This is going to sound really gross but without a bra they get all sweaty and I think they add to my body odor. I know that sounds weird. And I should just get up and put a bra on right away. I think it's interesting that the three comments are coming from women with probably a C cup or under. Having big Girls is not as glamorous as it might seem! We fall out of swimsuits, we end up showing off lots of lines, and anything remotely snug on top is going to draw all eyes to the Girls. I know I am perfect just the way I am. But I dream about being a little less heavy on top….

      Now onto the outfit….yes it was uncanny wasn't it! And, I am on the hunt for a bag like this for you. I'm sure one of my local markets will have something similar. I could even send you this one if you like because to be honest….my iPhone doesn't fit. I do like to wear it, but I have to smoosh the phone is awkwardly.

      Thanks for your honest opinion. I would expect no less!

      Love, Annie

      1. I need to be honest again Annie….I don’t think big boobies are glamorous….in fact boobies of any size over 40 years old are not particularly glamorous!!! LOL
        But, nothing a nice bra can’t give a helping hand to. None of us are perfect, especially in the Scuddy Buff (translation: the nude). I don’t like the thought of you being cut open again…. General anesthetics are not good for you.
        There is talk of a possible link between them and dementia in later life (and my mother-in-law AND Father-in-law both have forms of dementia) I would not wish that fate on my worst enemy.
        Anyway, there are worse things than having a bit of boob-ooze in a swimsuit!
        AND, there are loads of super-sexy bikinis and swimsuits out there that hold on to them and prevent escapes.
        Have you looked at bravissimo for undies and Pepperberry that make clothes especially to accommodate larger boobs on smaller-than-the boobs frames? My friend has HUMONGOUS boobage and she always looks uplifted with perfectly fitting dresses etc.
        Don’t be mad at me for nagging…. XXX

        1. I’d never be made at you for nagging! First things first. One, I gotta get to walking again. Once I’m able to burn some calories and tone my bod up again, there’s the possibility that I won’t even be thinking about this. Two, if one were to happen, I could potentially lose some weight and everything (mainly The Girls) would be easier to lift! Plus there’s a side story to it, but for confidentiality, I will email you the story instead. Love, Annie

  2. I think elective surgery is very personal and everyone has to make their own decision, but I generally feel about it like Samantha does…

    Second, how cool is it that you discovered that you actually liked a particular item of clothing that you thought you didn’t like at all! I’m so bad about trying on clothes in stores, and it just shows that you have to try on things (and in an ideal world wear them for a while…) to truly judge them and decide if they are for you.

    Third, I think it’s so fun that you all chose quite similar dresses and colors to wear with the shrug! In the past you chose often quite different looks, so this is fun! Everyone looks great. This is such a great series!

    Hope you are having a good weekend and that the pain is decreasing!

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

    1. Yes Andrea, it is very personal. I don’t know why I even brought it up, but I think it’s because I’m ready to start stirring the pot over here on Kremb de la Kremb and start talking about some of the REAL things I think about–like getting a breast reduction/lift.

      And, yes, I agree that it’s wonderful to be proven wrong about an item. I actually love it when that happens! And yes to us dressing the same. I guess after half a year of Ping Pong Posting it was bound to happen right!?

      Thanks for joining the conversation Andrea!

      Love, Ann

  3. The breast subject is certainly interesting. I’ve had quite a few friends have reductions (and funny, how when we were growing up, we wanted them to grow), and a couple times, over the years they return to their original size. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve really tried to reduce the amount of optional surgeries—just the anesthetic and different medications can wreak havok on your body—just my opinion!!
    But onto the outfit!
    First, it is funny how you all went more towards the sameness this time! So really, as much as we are all different, there are times we are all alike?
    Second…I just love the dress with the cowboy boots—we’ll be doing a series on Western Wear, and that’s such a fun way to incorporate cowboy boots!!
    You look lovely—and I’m glad to see you smiling after your surgery!!

    1. Yes Jodie, after hmmm, a lot of surgeries! I surely should not be opting for more. That’s very interesting that the friends you know whom have had breast reductions have then grown back. Is that due from weight gain or gravity? I wonder why, and when I go for a consult I’ll have to ask that very question.

      Here’s to sameness in this post. It’s refreshing actually somehow! And here here to cowboy boots! I cannot wait to wear them for real and not just for posing!!

      Thank you Jodie. I think it was the cowboy boots that really brought out the smiles. I do love them!!

      Love, Ann

  4. I’m with Samantha on this boob vote. We, none of us, ought to chose to go under the knife or have a GA unless we really need to. One of my dearest friends is 10 years older than me and therefore has coped with life and it’s challenges a little bit ahead of me, meaning she is full of great advice. One fab bit of advice on being a woman and growing older is to spend money on great foundations – by that she means good make-up and good underwear. From there we can be as creative all we like, but those sound foundations are vital.
    On to the outfit, and I have to say how surprising it was to see you and Sam dressed so similarly. I thought you guys really had put your head together for this one! The plain little shrug didn’t exactly make my heart sing either, but I saw that as a vehicle for my creativity to run wild. I love your feminine dress paired with those butch boots making it all so very you. No matter what, you always have your own sense of style even without tying, sewing or wearing the shrug as fancy bloomers as I had expected!
    Good luck with your recovery and here’s to the next 6 months of PPP x

    1. I LOVE that you thought I might wear the shrug as bloomers! Now that totally cracks me up! I really through the PPP for a loop with the grey tunic didn’t I?

      Luckily, right at the end of the summer, I ordered 10 pairs of bras from Bare Necessity. Out of the 10, 5 worked. One of which is amazing at uplifting. In fact, I’m wearing it today, and it’s as if I’m perky as ever!!

      Thanks for your love and two bits so to speak. I greatly appreciate it.

      Love, Annie

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