Revitalized Leopard Skirt

Ok, ok. This is definitely overkill. But hear me out: I attempted to mix some prints and perhaps, no it is, a bit much. That’s ok though. I don’t mind experimenting with my own personal style. Sometimes I get it just right, and sometimes I completely miss the mark. Here, the leopard skirt and the paisley skirt topped off with some athletic socks is all a bit OTT (over-the-top). Oh, I shouldn’t forget the beaded bag from Rishikesh, India–which is so lovely, and the oversized studded sunnies; both these items just added to the TOO MUCH factor.

leopard skirt

Sometimes I miss the mark even when I try revitalizing my wardrobe. The moment I get back from spring break, I plan to bring this lovely, gifted, leopard skirt (thank you Covered Perfectly!) back to the tailor for one more round of hemming. I think it needs to be right above the knee rather than right below. Legs Ann, legs!

leopard skirt

Although, one, no two things could be switched out, and this whole OTT look might have worked. I need to try this exact look, with the newly hemmed leopard skirt, with a pair of sandals or sock-less sneakers. Then I might be onto something!

leopard skirt

Back to the leopard skirt…before when it was long I ended up always tying the front–because it was way too long. I felt bad because this item was gifted to me from Covered Perfectly; it was great as is, but I’m still trying to figure out the midi length on me. Some midi looks work–like Monday’s skirt, while others just don’t. There’s gotta be a formula in there somewhere!

leopard skirt

Admit it though: the back of these socks is adorable!

For now, I’m going to keep revitalizing this leopard skirt until I get it just right–especially since the fabric is so soft in perfect print. This won’t be the last time it’s styled. As soon as it’s a bit shorter, I’ll give it one more go….

Here’s to getting the leopard skirt just right!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!