Restyled Plaid Pants and Our Luck Must Change

Last week I wore these plaid pants with my Jaws sweatshirt.
It looked as if I was wearing my pajamas!

Holy smokes! The Krembs’ family needs to catch a break–not a literal one like the Chinese New Year holiday that starts this Friday, but a figurative one. We need our luck to change, our tables to turn, our juju to flip. Our family karma seems to be at an all time low, so I’d like to magically make it improve.

What do you think of a turban? I’ve seen others rocking this look,
so I thought I’d give it a try….

I guess it started with Gigi’s severe sprain during a fifth (yes, that reads extra, unnecessary) quarter. With this injury she was put in a ten day cast and was unable to finish her basketball season. For a sporty sport like Gigi, this is a tough break.

This time around I made sure to show my waste. I also chose a ballet sweater to again,
cinch in my waist. These pants are so full; a waist is definitely needed!

Next up Kevin went to Minneapolis for a conference during a polar vortex. Of course all schools were cancelled as was the conference. So he basically went to the US for four days to sit in a hotel room. Oh wait! He did get to go to Targé–lucky duck! He’s now been rerouted to New York early since his flight tomorrow is cancelled. Let’s hope he makes it back on Friday night and isn’t delayed further!

I’m not so sure about the turban, but I am sure about the lippy!(Maybelline Up to Date)

As for me, I’ve been dealing with a stolen wallet. And wow! Did the theft (theives when you look at all the purchases and locations) do some damage! I can’t believe how much money the spent in a matter of two hours. It’s insane really. I mean, wow! Luckily we’re going to be ok with the credit cards–especially with the police report that took me all day to get yesterday.

Every winter I pull out my Louella Odié Hong Kong Tote. I love it so much!

Uh oh. I haven’t mentioned Vincent. Aside from a very strenuous week at school and some test that he didn’t do to well on, I think he’s ok, and he better stay that way. Maybe the end of the Year of the Dog is giving us a karmic farewell and once we’re in the Year of the Pig things will begin to look up!

Here’s to a turn of our luck!

And what do you think of the restyled plaid pants? Better than last week right?

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!