Restyled Jaws

I have a new idea for my Wednesday posts. I’ll try it for a bit–similar to the way I tried my “Wearing (fill in the blank)” series on Wednesday from September to December. I’m not sure if this is going to work, but it certainly supports sustainability and making sure all the items in my closet earn their cost per wear. Each Wednesday, I’ll restyle an item worn from the Wednesday before. So last week I wore this Jaws sweatshirt similar to the way I saw it advertised with all black. But now, take a look; I’ve restyled Jaws.

On my way into school, the first colleague that saw me wearing this laughed and appreciated that I was still in my pajamas. I laughed back but held my head high. I was channeling my inner Sammy and was definitely not in my pajamas. Sammy is this really cool gal at school who marches to her own beat. She wears what she wants to wear and never conforms to any high school girl norms. I love seeing how she’s dressed, and with this outfit I always feeling like I’m dressing like Sammy.

When I saw her, I told her so. I asked if she’d consider wearing my pants. The answer was “Yes.” What about my sweatshirt? “Yes.” At that point I walked away happy; I was dressed like her! That’s when I noticed her shoes: I turned around and said, “Hey! We’re even wearing the same shoes!” Nike Air Force Ones for the WIN!!

Now, when I look at these pictures, I guess I kind of agree with George, my colleague. This outfit could pass as pajamas. Oops! But it’s a very comfortable outfit. And hey, I felt really cool because inside I know that one of the coolest girls at our school approves of my outfit too. I love it when students inspire my style. Believe me: it happens more often than not.

What do you think of my Wednesday idea? Would you like to see these pants restyled? I know I would like to–I think with the wide like and the oversize sweatshirt I am drowning. I’d like to try again.

So stay tune for the…

Restyled Plaid Pants!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!