Recipe: Venezuelan Pancakes

Venezuelan Pancakes 5Back when we were living in Venezuela, there was an easy weekend trip we would often take. We’d pick up cheap flights to Margarita Island, and then we’d stay at the windsurfing beach seven minutes away from the airport. Ultimately we found the cutest little posada, and each time we went the pancakes were ordered–habitually. Finally, I had to inquire, and luckily the ladies in the kitchen graciously shared their recipe. It’s as easy as making a smoothie and makes for the perfect weekend breakfast–and even some weekday mornings if we’re lucky.


Venezuelan Pancakes 1

The ratio is super easy. It’s 1:1:1. If I’m making pancakes for just the two kids, I keep the ratio to one, but if I’m making pancakes for the whole family I push the ratio to two. If I’m cooking for a full house, I’ll extend the ratio to three.

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • one heaping spoon sugar
  • both vanilla and cinnamon to taste
Blend All Ingredients.

Venezuelan Pancakes 2

I toss all the ingredients into a blender and then blend for a bit of time so the mixture becomes nice and creamy–about a minute.

Oil and Heat a Pan.

Venezuelan Pancakes 3.Add a little olive oil (sometimes we use almond, walnut, or coconut oil) to a pan and heat it up. A single batch will make about three pancakes. Pour the batter into the pan and swirl the pan around to form a circle.

Watch for the Bubble

Venezuelan Pancakes 4

You know it’s time to flip the pancake when these little hollow holes keep appearing. You’ll noticed that the edges are also looking cooked. At this time I flip the pancake. It doesn’t fall apart or seep out because it’s become mostly cooked except for the very top layer.

Cook the Other Side.

Venezuelan Pancakes 6

Cooking the other side does not take as long as the first side. I’d say just about a minute more of cooking and the pancake is done.

Serve ‘Em Hot!

Venezuelan Pancakes 7

The unfortunate thing about pancakes no matter the recipe is they’re best served hot, so eating together isn’t always an option. Add a little butter and maple syrup. And emmmm, Venezuelan Pancakes. Or if you’re like my daughter, just add Nutella!

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Posted in DIY

Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

4 thoughts on “Recipe: Venezuelan Pancakes

  1. Fooooood! My most favourite thing in the world.
    And pancakes (or crepes) are so delicious. They remind me of my grandpa…an expert batter maker (he made the BEST Yorkshire puddings on the planet…EVER).
    This has honestly made me go and fix a snack….having mine with lemon juice and a sprinkle of brown sugar.
    I always burn my mouth in my haste to eat them. LOL

    1. Oooh, your grandpa sounds like such a neat man. I’ve never had Yorkshire pudding–don’t even really know what that means. But I just googled it, and it looks divine! This recipe is easy peasy, and it has always made me want to try making crepes–I think they might be similar. I just haven’t taken the moment to divert yet. Next time….There’s always a next time! A x

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