Recipe: Grandma Soogie’s Cinnamon Rolls

RecipeOne of my most prized positions is my Grandma Soogie’s Cinnamon Roll recipe. I remember being a young adult, probably in my 20s, and realizing I needed to know how to make her famous rolls for future holidays when I would be doing the cooking. I asked her during one of my regular card playing visits, and she wrote it out for me on a piece of pharmaceutical notepad paper. As it began to weather I have protectively had it laminated. Her procedure is a little tricky in places but with practice, both Kevin and I have figured out how to make them. They’ve become a bit famous in many of the places we’ve lived. The best thing about these cinnamon rolls was always that they were served with the meal as the bread–not as a dessert! Growing up we had them three times a year: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Now my kids request them too–this batch is for Gigi’s Christmas celebration at school today.




Cinnamon Rolls (I’ve tried to copy it exactly the way Grandma Soogie wrote it):

1 cup milk (scalded)
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar
2 pk. dry yeast
3 beaten eggs
4 1/2 cups flour

–Combine-milk-butter sugar + salt. Cool to lukewarm. Add yeast + stir well. Add eggs then flour mix to smooth dough.

–Knead lightly on floured surface. Place in a greased bowl, cover + let rise until at least double in bulk. Punch down–cutn in half–roll each half until thin–dribble melted butter 1/4 cup on rolled dough add about 1/2 to 3/4 cup sugar + 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon mixed.

–Roll dough up–cut in 16 cinnamon rolls. Place in 10″ sq. pans that have 1/4 cup melted butter with brown sugar (3/4 cup) + 3/4 cup pecans on bottom.
Cover + let rise until double. Bake at #=350 about 20-30 minutes.

Beware! These rolls are over-the-top YUMMMMM!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!