What I Really Wore: A Black Mini Skirt

The day after I wore this too short of a shift, I decided to embrace a short hem again, BUT with ease and comfort. I didn’t want to have to pull at my skirt. I didn’t want to think twice about picking something off the floor. I wanted to wear a mini but with confidence. So what I really wore the next day was this black mini skirt.

Thank goodness Zara extended their sizes to XL–even XXL and XXXL at times. I can go into a Zara, look at an XL item, and know it will work. That’s the case with this black mini skirt. I love when I don’t have to try something on in the store. It’s a silly achievement but one nonetheless.

This gingham shirt is a goodie. I should call it a Target Goodie! It was a few years ago when I collaborated with Debbie from Fashion Fairy Dust. Together, and from afar, we chose an item from Target, and then we styled it in our own way. Of course, I paired my new black and white gingham with red, and whadya know! So did she!!

I think it’s time I reach out to Debbie and see if she’d be into doing something like this again. We all need our Style Sisters out there!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!