Really Red

This outfit is really red, and just think, I omitted a few red items! I seriously have a problem when it comes to being overly matchy-matchy. First, I really wanted to wear these striped DIY pants. (Some call them my marching band pants–and when I say “some” I’m referring to KevStar.) I haven’t been able to fit in these pants since the last time I wore them in the fall, so to fit in them felt great; they were even loose. From there, I added my favorite winter sweater of this year. For some reason, I then added this plaid red shirt. And then to top things off, I went with my red hankerchief shoes. I know! It’s really red. Too much so, but I sometimes don’t know when to stop. It’s comical actually. And like my sister is always telling me, I’m a “more is more” kinda gal! I can’t really stop myself…

Really Red

When it comes to red, I think I usually over do it. It’s not my favorite color, but it does seem to be a color a wear a lot.

What is it that you overdo when it comes to getting dressed? Too much of one color? No color? Only sweats? Only tennis shoes (me again!)? Tell me what you wear too much of in the comments. For me, as you can see, it’s usually an abundance of red!

Really Red

Really Red

Really Red

Really Red

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

9 thoughts on “Really Red

  1. I don’t think it’s too much red – the black trousers are a perfect foil. I’m inclined to be matchy matchy or two colors at best….three colors would be a serious challenge!

  2. I think it looks good! No such thing as too much red. I have a problem with too many patterns in an outfit. I love pattern mixing, or at least textures. I feel bewildered by comments about things matching, ha, ha. You look great.

  3. Not too much red at all!!! I think red is one of those universally flattering colors and I’ve always liked it on people with dark hair like yours. You look great!!
    Your diet plan must be working (?) I think there was a time frame for the eating plan… I’m wondering how it worked.

    1. Thank you Jude! I’m on my second round. Not this Friday but next, I will weigh in after my second round of 21 days of the Bone Broth Diet.

      It’s so funny. I can really over do it with red. I had on three other pieces of red before this outfit shoot! Hahah!

      Thanks for noticing any weight loss. I lost 5kgs on the first round.

      Love, Ann

  4. a girl can’t wear too much red, as I’m concerned!, even a head-to-toe red outfit could look fabulous! yes!
    Obviously, I like to wear Red color, lots of it, but I think my problem is all about matchy-matchy ensembles, sometimes I overdo matchiness!
    (love your Winter Sweater, and that red trench, and all the red stuff you wear, ’cause you rock in Red!)

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