Ready Player One

Ready Player One

We went to see Ready Player One this weekend. I’ve been anticipating this movie since I read the amazing book by Ernest Kline last summer. (Here’s my book with an outfit for Ready Player One–I need to start creating these posts again.) Vincent read the book in two days, handed it over to me, and said, “You gotta read this!” And he was right: it was very, very good. I pretty much thought that for sure the book would be better, and for sure it is. The thing about the movie is it’s so different. There were so many deviations from Ready Player One the book that the movie could pretty much stand alone. It was fun to see the Oasis world created–that was the best part of the movie, but the Wade Watts in the movie does not match my Wade Watts from the novel. Yet, I can honestly say I liked both–both Wade Watts and both the book and movie. In fact I can recommend both. But obviously, read the book first because as the t-shirt says and as it usually goes….”The book was better.”

Ready Player One

As we were headed to the movie, we needed to make a stop in the effervescent neighborhood of Wan Chai. Right before catching a taxi, I spotted this very colorful, very Hong Kong, graffiti wall. “Stop!” to the family’s dismay!! But stop they did, and Kevin even humored me with a few pics. I thought this wall perfectly depicted both Hong Kong as well as the Oasis world in Ready Player One. Once we got into the Oasis during the movie, I was right: it was surreal and colorful while being both dark and bright at the exact same time. Do you know that feeling? Well, this wall pretty much sums it up–brightness and darkness all at once.

Ready Player One

Ready Player One

I’m kinda bummed; as much as I love this t-shirt, it’s very pilled. Unfortunately it’s time to get rid of it. Does anyone have a spot for fun bookish t-shirts? I’ve found a couple of great spots on Etsy like J Law Creations, EverTree Clothing, and Avant Markets, but I’m always open for suggestions….

Ready Player One

Ready Player One

Ready Player One

Have your read Ready Player One? Have you been to the movie?
I recommend both!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

8 thoughts on “Ready Player One

  1. I LOVE this wall! Great photo shoot location! Your outfit is adorable! I love belt bags too!

    1. Isn’t it great Cindy! And to think we just happened upon it! Hong Kong is very much an easy place for finding great walls to shoot. It’s like I can always find one to match my story or sartorial needs.

      And, as you can tell, I’m addicted to belt bags/fanny packs! Whatever you wanna call them. They’re so practical!

      Love, Annie

  2. Dear Amy, I am so happy you found me! I love the PNW and especially having readers from there. Come summer, more of my shoots take place in Seattle, Spokane, and Spirit Lake (and anywhere else I may travel around that area!).

    Oooh, I am going to check out Out of Print Tees! A must it sounds like especially since all my booky ones need replacing–unfortunately. 🙁

    Don’t you LOVE Powell’s!! Oh! It’s just like the very best book store in the entire world. Granted a bit overwhelming but so fun. Another great book store in Seattle is the Elliot Bay Book Company. Have you been? They moved up to Capital Hill, but it is lovely. And if you ever head to Spokane, do go to Aunties–that’s another fave.

    And since we’re on books…..what do you recommend these days?

    So happy to have (virtually) met you Amy!


    1. I do love Powell’s – we were walking distance when we lived in Portland and I miss that so very much. Especially here in SoCal where nothing is walking distance it seems. I haven’t been to the new Elliot Bay Book Company but I have fond memories of the old one. I spent most of my adult life in Spokane so Aunties is an old friend – I actually worked in the cafe in the original location on Riverside back in about 1991 I think. An old friend of mine has a bookstore in Spokane too, on Monroe, called Giant Nerd Books – if you’re there in the summer you should check it out.
      As for reading these days – I just read a lovely book called Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk – I highly recommend it.

  3. Thanks for the convincing reviews! Film versions really do fall short more often than not.
    Your background wall choice is FABULOUS!! Glad that Kevin was accommodating!!
    I had an OMG moment when I first opened your post. I HAVE YOUR HAIRCUT!!!:-):-):-) I didn’t do it intentionally but probably subconsciously?? Didn’t realize til I saw your face smiling up at me from my tablet! DAMN we’re cute!:-):-):-):-)

    1. Jude! This is awesome!! You must send me a pic. What a compliment that we have the same hair–what is the saying? Imitation is the best form of flattery. Did I ever show you who I was imitating. Holy knock out! Google image Taylor LaShae. Her cut–ADORBS!!

      Yes, don’t forget to send me a pic.

      A x

  4. I do love your outfit, and you totally rock it!, the graphic prints, the cool accessories! and what fabulous pictures!
    I really want to watch this film, but have to wait until weekend. It looks really interesting.

    1. Have you seen the movie yet? If you haven’t, do consider reading the book. It was super good as well! Thank you for your compliments. You always make me feel so good Monica!

      Love, Ann

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