Racing Stripes X 2

For someone who wears tennis shoes pretty much every single day, racing stripes are a win win for me. In this post I’ve styled two sets of racing stripes: a pencil skirt plus a trouser. I wore both of these outfits to work/school. In each of both outfits, I felt professional despite the fact that I was wearing sneakers. Adding a bold lipstick, some quirky earrings, and additional touches like perfectly matching socks compliment the outfit. Since I wear some sort of sports shoe daily, I have had to figure out how to dress them up. You’ll have to tell me…

Do I look like I’m headed to the gym?
Or do you believe me when I tell you I wore these two outfits to the library where I work?

I’d had my eye on this racing striped pencil skirt for a while. It was never in the actual Forever 21 stores, so I finally gave Forever 21’s global shipping a try. It worked out perfectly! I was so happy to finally get this skirt. It basically has my name written all over it! And guess what? It’s only $6.54! That’s a steal. Go get your own here! (And the lip tee is only $5.34!!)

Whenever we head to the Hong Kong International Airport, I always make a quick stop at Zara. During out last trip over October break, I really hated the bottoms I was wearing. Luckily, I snatched up these racing stripe trousers. They are my new perfect traveling pant. They’re super comfy yet somehow polished looking at the same time. I love that our airport has a Zara; and yes, I do make sure to get one piece every time I use the airport! Hahah!

Do you get away with wearing sports shoes to work?
I’m just curious; I really do wear comfy shoes every day. I hope you get to as well!

*I’ve linked this post with Jess’ Turning Heads Tuesday, Catherine’s #iwillwearwhatilike, and Samantha’s #fakeittuntilyoumakeit.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

4 thoughts on “Racing Stripes X 2

  1. I LOVE your sporty looks. They’re very refreshing and I can just see you coming up with all sorts of looks for that skirt. Haven’t checked out the online Forever 21 YET, but I like that skirt a lot. Your heart, sport socks and the ace of hearts purse are just perfect!!! The airport pants ( I used to buy funky socks on every trip to Hill City, South Dakota when we were still tourists) are great too and I really love the look you’ve crafted with the dotty blouse and jean jacket. Again the cute little anklets brought a big ol smile to my face. :-):-):-)
    Absolutely! I can see you doing your librarian profession in these looks. You’d be the librarian that I’d want to ask to recommend a good book, or help me think of a speech topic or point me toward better research source material. You look like a teacher who can laugh, and be forgiving, silly and fun. For kids, clothing can get them to approach, your attitude and personality takes it home. You know all that but since I taught junior high for 37 years I thought my view might hold a little weight.:-):-):-)

    1. Jude, you pretty much have me all figured out. What you don’t know, cuz it would never show! is I’m also pretty strict. I run a tight library. The kids know where talking and collaborating is allowed, they know they need to be in here to study, and they all need to respect the space and people in it. It took a good four years to get the kiddos thinking and behaving this way. Now, because the climate has been set, I get to be all those things up above too. But, whoa, was it in crazy shape when I first got here! Some of the things that happened. It was odd to have my 16th year in international education be my most difficult year! Now I’m in year 21!! Eek. Can you remember a really tough year? Which one was it and why?

      Love, Annie

      1. I’m not at all surprised that you run a well oiled machine/ library. Kids absolutely need to know exactly what the expectations are in order to function effectively and productively. I LOVED having a ton of fun and learning and laughter after the parameters were well established. I realized my first year of teaching that discipline was the KEY to success and yes, I have figured out that you’re intuitive, bright and practical. I think you’re also a bit of a rascal which allows you to stay one step ahead of potential issues. 🙂
        I think my worst year was actually my last year of teaching right before I retired and the students were NOT the reason for it. A new schedule and curricular program resulted in my total student numbers topping out at about 180+students , my period length was only about 42 minutes. More students and less class time resulted in overwhelming nightly homework. This was all due to greater emphasis on reading and math and a schedule that gave longer periods and lower class size to those subjects ( not social studies). I was exhausted, burning out and SO SO ready to retire.

        1. Oh, I’m so sorry your last year didn’t end better. That sounds terribly, awfully intense and unfair! Hmmph. At least you have many amazing memories within your years as an educator!

          A x

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