Prom 2019

Vincent and his beautiful date to Prom 2019 are being featured on Kremb de la Kremb today. This blog did start out as a family blog after all. And this gorgeous couple is definitely warranted a post. I mean look at them!

This is Alex, and yes, she bears a striking resemblance to Riverdale’s Betty Cooper. What’s so special about Alex however is how beautiful she is on the inside. She’s one of those really, really kind individuals that is nice to everyone. I know this because I witness her actions daily at school. She is genuinely very kind, and in our household where I’m constantly reminding my kids to be kind, this is the best beauty to behold.

These two, Vincent and Alex, make a stunning couple. Vincent is very at ease around this beautiful lady which is what a parent would delight in a friendship for their child. What has been especially fun for me is making a new friend with Alex’s mother Linda. We send texts on the daily for any news of this budding kinship.

We joke with Vincent about his bromance with John. Here they are in a cheek to cheek reminiscent of the pose I strike with my own sisters. The friendship between these two studs is pretty brotherly. The back and forth banter will crack anyone up.

Getting ready for a guy was a fifteen minute affair–add on a few minutes for the tie making. Before we knew it our handsome young man was out the door to go pick up his lovely date. It was such fun to attend a pre-prom party and see all the beautiful young people.

Memories of prom… one of those dances that signifies someone is growing up! At seventeen, it’s pretty offical that Vincent is now a young man. And with Alex by his side, he has a beautiful young lady friend. Here’s to the two and Prom 2019!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!