Post Op Sneakers

I’m in a bit of a habit now. Every time I have surgery, I treat myself to a new pair of sneakers. Seems fair, right?! This time around Google kept making sure I saw this pretty pastel Champion pair every time I conducted a search. I saw these Champion sneakers enough times, I had to have them.

Although, let me be honest: it doesn’t take a post op for me to buy new sneakers. My sneaker collection is now out of control. I’m actually starting to diversify just a bit–cowboy boots and clogs seems to work too. Also, with the change over of my wardrobe, sandals should start making an appearance so long as they offer a bit of support.

My sister teased me the other day saying my sneaker collection must be out of control, and to be honest she is not far off. Even if the sneaker trend goes out of style, I’ll still be wearing all my sneakers; I find them so cute and obviously comfortable. I mean heck…. I walk a library floor all day long!

This post should probably be called “An Ode to Sneakers” rather than “Post Op Sneakers!” Thank goodness sneakers come in such fun styles and colors. I created a shopping gallery just in case you too want to add some spring colors to your outfits. (I did use affiliate links, but I won’t be getting rich off your clicks–rather just a few pennies. But hey, pennies add up, so click away!)

Shop for Colorful Sneakers!

I have to be honest. (Cringe face!!) There are a couple of sneakers here I want to nab up…. I must STOP!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!