Recipe: Pizza Night

Pizza3When the Krembs want to have a special dinner, we have pizza! This started happening probably during a summer cook off out at the cabin. It continued in our beautiful yard in Beijing. In Hong Kong we had to take a year off (or just use the oven) until we recently brought back a BBQ this summer. We usually use Gwyneth’s pizza dough recipe–making a batch with regular white flour and another with whole wheat. (Although, the whole wheat keeps winning over, so I’m about to cancel making the white flour dough.)

Pizza6The kids chip in and create the personalized pizza balls for everyone.
Pizza1The PascoParuns were with us for the most recent Pizza Night; Sandy prepared all the herbs like basil and flat leaf parsley.
Pizza5We make little bowls filled with all sorts of toppings: cherry tomatoes, carmelized onions with mushrooms, the herbs, arugula, kalamata olives, parmesean, mozarella, and of course pepperoni. When it’s your turn, you roll out your pizza ball, place it on the grill for about 4 minutes, then Kevin takes it off and gives it back to you. At this time, load it up with all your favorite ingredients. Then, give it back to Kevin, and he’ll place it back on the grill and cook the rest of it. You just have to wait patiently to eat your individualized pizza!
Pizza7Pizza Night brings out all sorts of happy faces!!

Do you want to come over? We’ll make you PIZZA!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!