Pinterest Hairstyle Inspo

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There’s nothing quite like getting a haircut to raise one’s spirits. On Wednesday, I finally left the house and headed to the salon. I always use Pinterest for hairstyle inspo. This time around, I typed in “asymmetrical bob.” I presented Aman, my incredible hair stylist, with these pictures, and she instantly knew what to do. I’ve never had someone cut my hair so meticulously. She spends a good amount of time getting it just right. Unfortunately, even though I prefer having shorter hair, Kevin has requested I grow it out. Since he doesn’t ask much of me, I’m happy to oblige. I’ll try to make sure to post pictures on Monday with my do. In the meantime, check out this Pinterest board of Kremb de la Kremb hair.

How do you use Pinterest?

You can follow my Kremb de la Kremb Pinterest boards here.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!