2021 Project–A Photo Album a Month

I’ve never been one to make new year resolutions. In the past I’ve chosen a word to represent the year only to have that word forgotten a month later. Nope, none of that focus, goals, words, resolutions is for me. But, there’s a BUT. I would like to do something. So I have an idea…

I think my idea might actually work this year because it’s not about me: it’s something for my children. See, this break Gigi pulled out old, like really old, photo albums I had made from BK (before kids) and went through them for hours. It made me so sad because I stopped making photo albums shortly after she was born. The only photo album she is in is from her birth in Caracas, Venezuela.

We then moved to India. The birth of the digital camera coincided with Gigi’s–as was this Kremb de la Kremb blog that started as a family place and has since metamorphed into something altogether different. Before I know it, it’s 17 years later, the year is 2021, and I have folders and folders of pictures stored into a labrinth of multiple hard drives–not to mention all iPhone backups for each time there wasn’t enough space on my (many past) phones to take yet more photos. Gigi and Vincent’s histories are stored away in folders from their childhoods growing up in India, Beijing, and Hong Kong. It’s time to do something about that! Granted there are tons of posts here on the blog of them, but there’s nothing like pulling out a physical book and taking a look at the past.

I have a grand project! By the end of 2021 I would like to have made a photo album for each month. It’s totally possible. Out of this endeavor it will benefit someone else–my kiddos. Now that’s a new years resolution/project I can live up to. It’ll be a bit like Russian roulette: pick a hard drive and find out what kind of photo album comes out of that month. I can’t wait to get started!

And yes, I’ll share a bit of the findings here! For example, the first album made during the month of January is entitled “Last Christmas in Hong Kong, 2020.” I made it on Canva, it was easy as sin, and it was only $26 USD. This is one of my favorite pages:

Do you make a new year’s resolution, create a goal, or choose a word? Rather, are you like me and need a li’l project instead? I’ll try to share the theme of February’s photo album at the end of the month. Wish me luck!

Above eatured photo by Igor Ovsyannykov on Pixabay

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!