Even My Feelings Have Feelings (and Some Thoughts on Parenting)

Even my feelings have feelings! It’s true; they do! When I saw this t-shirt, I had to have it. It literally spoke to me. I could relate to the sentiment so completely. Maybe it’s because I’m a Pisces—one of the zodiac signs that portrays a lot of emotions, but perhaps they all do…. Regardless, it doesn’t matter: I’m an emotional person usually wearing my emotions on my sleeve. I’m not good at hiding them. Luckily I’m usually happy!

Finding this tee came at an ironic time. I love being a parent–especially because like most parents–I believe I have the best two kids ever. From the very beginning of being Vincent and Gigi’s mom, I realized flexibility is needed. The moment I’ve got this parenting thing down, they go and change on me making me realize I have no idea what I’m doing! These kiddos of mine have definitely kept me on my toes. But in a very good way.

For example, recently Gigi informed me that she was a little embarrassed to be around me. Basically she wanted to start keeping some distance between us. Ok. Honestly, I was crushed. I couldn’t believe it. Granted it stung to hear this, but I suppose it made sense. Even my feelings have feeling though, so I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a tad bit down. But her 8th grade request was completely age appropriate–even if it made me a little sad. Read the tee!

Luckily within 24 hours, my Gigi came in and declared her love for me. She emphatically said she was sorry and repeatedly told me how much she loved me. There were big crocodile tears included. I think it’s fair to say that maybe Gigi’s feelings also have feelings. And yes, I’m getting her this t-shirt!

So this minor parenting hurdle worked itself out. Thank goodness. And luckily they all do. But the main thing about parenting is to take each day as it comes–in fact each moment. Kevin and I aim for consistency as well as keeping clear expectations for our kiddos. Truth be told it does always seem like we are only just one step ahead of them. And once we seem to have them figured out, one of them goes and changes on us. But that’s ok. Like I stated before, we have the best kids! And being Vincent and Gigi’s mom is a real treasure of my life (even if I don’t always know what I’m doing!).

Are you a parent? Do you agree that parenting is pretty much a flexible act? Or have you been able to master it is a more structural way? I’m just curious. Luckily my own father always reminded me to take one day at a time; that advice is still paying off. Thanks Dad!

And also, do your feelings have feelings?

Or are you more stable? More practically minded?

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!