Paisley Style Stories

paisley-6A while ago I wrote about my childhood objection to green–since then, I’ve been wearing the color on repeat. (I even picked up two new shades of green eyeliner from H&M’s new makeup line. Have you seen their colors?! Amazing!!) Around the same time that I was growing a distaste for anything forest green, I meanwhile began my strong affection toward all things paisley. My mom was dabbling, and making a serious profession at the time, of interior design. She had books and books of wallpaper. Oh, they were lovely–and large. It was then that I remember turning to pages of this mango type, very intricate print falling in love with it. When I asked my mom what it was, she told my 7th grade self that it was paisley. Awwww….Love at first site. It was two years later when I got my first job in 9th grade (other than babysitting) and saved all my money up for anything paisley printed from Benetton–remember all their gorgeous items? Then the sister line came along called Stefanel. I couldn’t wait for Christmas and the outfits my stylish Santa would bring me. To this day, I really can’t say no to anything paisley–as demonstrated by what I wore this week. Here are four days–some good, some not so good, that I wore for my four day work week. I thought I’d bring back my Style Stories. (In the comments, please let me know if I should keep up this series or not.)

Monday’s Paisley

paisley-5I woke up on Monday, like many Mondays, and just wanted to wear pajamas. Enter, silky, wide legged paisley pants. I felt so comfortable all day, and that comfort led to a very productive Monday–a rarity for me! I’m always very slow moving on Mondays, aren’t you? Also, I was excited to break in my new very inexpensive silver runner find from the weekend. Throw on a jean jacket and I was perfectly cozy on our first cold Hong Kong day.


Tuesday’s Paisley

paisley-1I felt so rockin’ cool on this day! Wearing torn up jeans under a shift just feels cool. Plus I have a mesh henley that added a really nice layer to keep me warm–yes, it is starting to cool down in Hong Kong! Then, there are these shoes. Love. Love so much. These shoes are everything to me: comfortable with a three inch heel. If you read this blog, you know it’s been a very, very, very long time since I’ve been able to get away with a heel. (Yes, I’m admitting to posing in heels for style posts–they don’t ever actually get worn-worn.)



Wednesday’s Paisley

paisley-11While I like the paisley bomber, and I adore these slouchy joggers, together they don’t work on my figure–at least in my opinion. These joggers need slouchy on top. I must remember this for our trip to India as I plan on wearing these pants every other day. I have them in black and bought another pair of green–just because I love them that much. But, this outfit, it doesn’t do it for me. Oh, and the could shoulder top, it’s in the give away pile. I need to embrace my round shoulders, and this style does nothing for them.


Thursday’s Paisley

paisley-10Even a fashion blogger has an off day. This outfit is hideous! I can’t believe I’m even posting it. I need to put this skirt away and keep it for no-tights. Not sure if I know how to pull off blue tights. I remember trying last winter and feeling funny then too. I will have to ask and turn to my good friend Samantha of Fake Fabulous to figure out how to style these blueberry legs!

Paisley Style Stories

It’s been a while since I wrote my style stories from the week. What do you think? Keep it up or don’t bother. Please leave me a comment so I know.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

9 thoughts on “Paisley Style Stories

  1. I LOVE seeing a 4 day week’s worth of styles from you! As a fellow paisley lover I understand that this can result in snapping up paisley items JUST BECAUSE of the beautiful print. How the actual clothing item looks on the body can be secondary… resulting in an occasional wonky look. But hey! That’s reality and I love your willingness to share yours with us.
    Look #1: You look fabulous and those pants are a wonderous, unique, paisley. The fact of their comfort is a big bonus.
    Look#2 There’s something about the cut of this shirt that I’m not liking on you. The print is so fun and the shoes are truly remarkable. They look comfy too!
    Look#3 I like the subtle, pale, tonal look and when you add the cute paisley bomber this is a great !
    Look#4 That is a really fun skirt and I love that paisley! I suggest wearing a sweater ( not sweatshirt) in black or dark green and leggings (not tights) under the skirt. Keep the sneaker too. This look has potential!!

    1. Thank you Jude! I look so forward to your comments!

      Look #1: Do you wanna know that once I tore the fabric on one of the pant legs of those pants. Luckily my tailor fixed them, and you can’t tell because the print is so intricate!
      Look #2: Please go look at this post. I like it styled better as a dress–with a pair of shorts underneath of course! What do you think?
      Look #3: Agreed, but I still got rid of the top. Not for me. It’s a unitard too–let’s get real!
      Look #4: I love how I styled this skater skirt here–you might not recognize me with the long hair!

      As always, thank you Jude!!

      A x

      1. OK You’re right about the black paisley top looking better as a little dress. I still think a pair of Capri length black leggings would also work really well. ALWAYS wear the cute chunky sneakers with this “cartoon” paisley!!
        The skateboarding shots in your short skater skirt are so charming and I DO like it better with the t-shirt. I also entered a comment on this posting from way back in yesteryear. No damn comments til now??? (Hope you still get it!!)
        Your blog is so much fun Ann.
        Can’t believe how your kids have grown!!

    1. Really?! I can’t stand it!! Hahah! Thank you Jaymie. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as I thought. But I can remember changing my clothes the moment I got home!

      Heheh. That ever happen to you?

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Love, Ann

  2. Thank you Rebecca! Ya, those pants are gems. Even my daughter has them in this color and black. They are going to be my travel pants come December 20th–that’s why I have three pair!

    Thanks for stopping by. Come again.

    Love, Ann

  3. Oh! This is so great to hear! Thank you!! I will make sure to post like this more often. As fun as the stylized outfit posts are, they sometimes aren’t truly representing what I’d actually wear. And I’m glad my style works for you. Makes me feel good!

    Love, Ann

  4. paisley pijamas look like my kind of monday outfit too, mwhaha, that’s fabulous and you never go wrong with paisley!! Lovely comfy&cool shoes too, I like particularly those new shiny silver running shoes!
    Your paisley bomber is stunning, it’s sad that it doesn’t go with your pants, anyway it rocks!

    1. Thank you Señora Allnut. Ironically, I just grabbed the paisley bomber for the giveaway pile. It always feels a bit small on me. Hmm…maybe I should keep it…?

      Yesterday, was a Monday after a week off. You would have loved my pants. I wore snake print pajama like bottoms!!

      Thanks for always commenting. I know I don’t show my appreciation with such delayed replies, but I do love them.

      A x

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