Today we are off from school to celebrate Mid Autumn Festival. (Yesterday you might have noticed Google’s special image during this day–or maybe Google has just catered to me here in HK.) Lanterns are strewn everywhere, and the place to be on this holiday is the beach. Last night we barbecued with the Passamontes andContinue reading Happy Mid Autumn Festival!
Hong Kong Junk Trips
Something really fun happens in the beachy weather of Hong Kong: junk trips! A group of friends will typically get together and hire out a junk for the day. Jaspa’s Junks is one of the most popular companies that offers deliciously catered junks with boozie options all day. I’ve been on two junks so farContinue reading Hong Kong Junk Trips
Week 2 of #SeptemberFormulaDressing + New Friends
So far the best thing about following #stylechallenges is the connections being made. I’m (virtually) meeting a lot of new like-minded women out there who share the same fashion passions as myself. It’s been really neat! This week I recommend following @emptyneststyle, @mgibbens, @haleyp717, @heygirlitspearl, @mrsanniem, @queenofmycloset, @headedoutthedoor, maria_neonamber, and @jenniejosefiak. Also, this week findContinue reading Week 2 of #SeptemberFormulaDressing + New Friends
Date Night: Isola and Stone Nullah Tavern
With a return to Hong Kong comes the pleasant routine of school and work for our family, so Kevin and I have been able to resume our Date Nights. Our Date Night for August actually occurred on the first day of school! (You can see the truth to my LBD Ritual.) We wanted to haveContinue reading Date Night: Isola and Stone Nullah Tavern
LBD Rituals
Almost everyone (except for some college students and of course Australian students) has now started school! School is in session!! This year when HKIS started school, I realized I have a ritual of wearing an LBD (little black dress) to the first day of school. There’s more: I always accent the LBD with gold. IContinue reading LBD Rituals
Gazpacho: Basically a Veggie Smoothie
Yes, Labor Day has passed and hence marked the end of summer, yet the heat may still remain (luckily) for a few more blissful moments. Anything cool will help this heat–including a nice cold soup! There are tons of different versions of gazpacho. I’d venture to say they’re all very similar in taste and procedure.Continue reading Gazpacho: Basically a Veggie Smoothie
Really!?! No White After Labor Day?!
I’ve always been curious about the no white rule after Labor Day. I finally took the time and looked it up. Basically, back in the 1800-1900s, wearing white was a way of telling apart the elite from the working class. Those who could afford to vacation during the summer, wore white. It was the richContinue reading Really!?! No White After Labor Day?!
Labor Day at CdA {If} Round 2
Last year at this time, I posted some inspiration boards if I would have been so luck to be out at Coeur d’Alene. Of course, again this year I’d love to be out at CdA, so I put four boards together detailing what I’d like to be wearing and sharing at the Pavillion, on theContinue reading Labor Day at CdA {If} Round 2
Getting Dressed with a #StyleChallenge
During the month of August, I followed the #trendyruffleprepstyle style challenge on Instagram that helped create my #ootds (outfit of the day). Three ladies, @trendyteacher, @pennsylvania_prep_girl, and @ruffletuesday ran it. Each week they included five days worth of outfit ideas. Wow! Did it ever help me revitalize my closet. I couldn’t believe how inspirational itContinue reading Getting Dressed with a #StyleChallenge
Cabin Candis: CdA {Coeur d’Alene}
Well, this is the last set of Cabin Candids from Summer 2014. (Here’s The 4th, Cousins and Camp, Rusty and Ted, and Nicholas and Amy.) It’s fitting that this compilation of pictures is one of our summer highlights. It’s been two summers in a row now where at the end of packing up and closingContinue reading Cabin Candis: CdA {Coeur d’Alene}
Freuen Family Pic
From left to right: Julie, Adrian, Annie, Mary, and Nicholas All my pics from the summer out at Spirit Lake are drawing to an end. These ones, with all my brothers and sisters plus folks, are pretty special. It’s not that often that all the Freuen kids get together; the last time we were allContinue reading Freuen Family Pic
Still Kickin’ (But Barely!)
Well, the ole Surbuban from 1989 still ran this summer–but barely! This truck, which we do love dearly, is on it’s last wheels–literally! It did start up mommentarily this summer, but then there was a flat, and it wouldn’t restart. We had the infestation of 1000s of ants as well. That was interesting. Also, everyContinue reading Still Kickin’ (But Barely!)