[show_ms_widget id=”7741303″ image_id=”8020123″ width=”750″ height=”1024″] Recently I was introduced to Annielka, an e-boutique of luxe designer jewellery based in Singapore. Angela Wozniak founded Annielka when she herself wanted to invest in quality pieces instead of “throw-a-way” jewellery and couldn’t find any at the price point she was after. She then curated her own boutique–Annielka (Angela’sContinue reading Annielka
Mohawk Vinnie
This week is Spirit Week in the middle school for Vincent. The other night he announced that the following day was crazy hair day. What do they say about parents? That we live vicariously through our children. Oh yes, totally. Me personaly, I’ve always wanted to wear a mohawk, but of course never got theContinue reading Mohawk Vinnie
Almost Fall
It’s almost feeling like the weather might start shifting in Hong Kong. Today there was a bit of a breeze all day long, and the humidity is definitely less. We still have some time before it gets cold here, but I always love the shift that begins to happen in October. These pictures were actuallyContinue reading Almost Fall
{International} Drugstore Roundup
During our most recent trip to Jakarta, I recognized a ritual that I conduct whenever I travel. I always, I mean always, enter into a drugstore and just collect a couple of unique items from that place. This got me thinking…I’ve been doing this for years! And because of this ritual, I then hoard certainContinue reading {International} Drugstore Roundup
Kurta-ing the Issue
I love wearing a kurta as a cover-up. They’re the perfect length to cover the bum plus they usually have little side slits that kind of expose the leg. They’re always breezey and comfy for the beach. And they always come in such beautiful patterns and prints. Following are my favorite four: This coral paisleyContinue reading Kurta-ing the Issue
Balinese Snake
This Balinese beach we are on is just perfect. During the day, we grab our snorkel gear and head out amongst the coral reef to see all the colorful fish. There’s a bigger resort pool or we can bathe in the intimacy of our own personal little pool at our villa. I’ve decided to getContinue reading Balinese Snake
KevStar Travel Tips
Cross the little bridge and enter into our villa at Amertha Bali Villa. Here we are in gorgeous Bali, and Kevin has definitely out done himself with this booking. Many years ago when we met my parents in Thailand, Kevin had planned such a wonderful trip that my parents started referring to him as KevStar Travels.Continue reading KevStar Travel Tips
Jakarta Krembs
We are so lucky to have family in Asia! We’ve got two sets of Krembs in Hong Kong–us and Cork and Sally. Then, my sister Mary is in Shanghai. Plus we’ve got another set of Krembs–Brian and Jen, in Jakarta. For the past weekend we’ve been visiting the Jakarta Krembs, and we’ve had such anContinue reading Jakarta Krembs
Jakarta Blogger Roundup
Whenever traveling I find one of the best sources for getting the very best out of the destination is from the bloggers of the area. Right now my family is in Jakarta visiting the Krembs: Brian and Jen and their two kids Anthony and Henry. We had such a great weekend with them (stay tunedContinue reading Jakarta Blogger Roundup
Family Date Night: Motorino in HK
The other day during our skating outing we finished off our excursion with a Family Date Night to Motorino in Wan Chai. We had been meaning to try this pizzeria for some time, and oh! We were pleased! The ambiance is super cozy–especially with the motorino oven burning right before you. It’s a small place,Continue reading Family Date Night: Motorino in HK
Mary is in Shanghai! I feel so lucky that I was able to zip up and spend some fast yet furious time with her. I had a really neat time catching up with Mary; I’m very happy for her to be living in such a vibrant city, and she is settling in well. In fact,Continue reading ShangMarLa
Autumnal Equinox
It’s official! Yesterday marked the start of autumn. Over here in Hong Kong though, we have about another month or so until the weather begins to chill. Once I found my mom’s cowboy boots out at the cabin this summer, I started scheming their wear. Here I paired them with some army green jeans andContinue reading Autumnal Equinox