Just by looking at this picture from a post last year, I think it’s safe to say I’m a risk taker! Wearing leopard, blogging about it, living overseas, chopping off my hair…I’ve always just gone for it. Somehow it’s become a part of my make up. I constantly take risks, I embrace experience, and IContinue reading My Five ~ How I Go For It!
DIY: Nail Maintenance, Part 2
Just a while back I wrote about the problem with my nails and what I do for nail maintenance. Along with using the cuticle cream, nail hardener, and keeping them covered, I also tend to paint my nails with colored polish. I usually prefer color over a nude nail, and two colors have been inContinue reading DIY: Nail Maintenance, Part 2
Another Dress Staple: The LBnWSD
Most of us have an LBD (little black dress) and some of us have an LWD (little white dress), but I also believe all women should have an LBnWSD (little black and white striped dress). This staple can be dressed up or down. It’s a look that instantly feels chic. The dresses are usually quiteContinue reading Another Dress Staple: The LBnWSD
Nordstrom Gift Guide: For Vincent, a 12 Year Old Boy
We have just under 7 weeks until Christmas! I plan to write an extra post each week with a gift guide for various types of people you might be thinking of this holiday season. The fiirst up, a twelve year old young man–there’s one in my house named Vincent! Nordstrom looks like the way toContinue reading Nordstrom Gift Guide: For Vincent, a 12 Year Old Boy
Kremb de la Kremb Prom: Attempting Fashion Design
Kremb de la Kremb Prom Designs Last year I had such an amazing time attending the HKIS’ Interact Fashion Show. It was truly a feat! Student models, designers, and even planners created the entire show. I was just blown away by the talent. I also felt a little tinge of green envy at the chanceContinue reading Kremb de la Kremb Prom: Attempting Fashion Design
Luxury Handbag VS. Bohemian Bag
[show_ms_widget id=”8877803″ image_id=”9243119″ width=”750″ height=”502″] When I was with my sister Mary in Shanghai during a weekend in September, she asked me, “What luxury handbag would you choose?” She really got me thinking because I couldn’t really come up with one. Of course I’d love the epic 2.55 Chanel quilted bag, but I’d want itContinue reading Luxury Handbag VS. Bohemian Bag
Kremb de la Kremb SWAP
Kremb de la Kremb is hosting a SWAP on Wednesday, November 19. I’ve been contemplating this idea of getting friends together and swapping our stuff. I’ve had such fun at the swaps I’ve attended around Hong Kong, so I decided it’s time to get the community I’m a part of together and do the same.Continue reading Kremb de la Kremb SWAP
Haircut #2
I enjoyed my first haircut with shorter hair for just a week, but it just didn’t feel short enough! I’ve been wanting to go really short for some time now, so I went back to Aman for the second haircut. When I visited her this weekend she was quite surprised, but she was eager toContinue reading Haircut #2
Happy Halloween
Picture by Thomas Price of Teaspoon Photography Happy Halloween! This year my awesome library team took inspiration from Jessica Quirk of What I Wore. We went with her simple version of a the Wicked With of the West. It’s so easy–which (insert wicked laugh!) we like. Last year we were all Zorros–again super easy. WhenContinue reading Happy Halloween
Halloween Roundup
Tomorrow is Halloween! For a kid, Halloween is a pretty fantastic holiday–you get to pose as someone other than yourself, walk around and ask for candy to your heart’s content, return home exhausted but ready to organize, trade, and sample your abundance of goods. I have wonderful memories of Halloween from growing up. My momContinue reading Halloween Roundup
Fashion Fixation: Bold Booties
Lately, I’ve been intrigued by the idea of wearing a pretty basic outfit with say a pair of black slacks and white top, but then on the bottom adding a complete element of surprise: a bold bootie! Keep it casual with a pair of boyfriend jeans, a white tea, and a black blazer. The bootsContinue reading Fashion Fixation: Bold Booties
I finally did it! I got a haircut! I’ve been wanting to chop my hair for some time now waffling between should I or not. Silly. Just go for what I want. I did feel like I had pretty long hair, but recently, I’ve been wanting stylish hair. This first step will just be theContinue reading Haircut