One of the best sources for understanding a city is turning to its bloggers. We’ll be leaving for Shanghai tonight to visit my sister Mary who lives and works up there. (Yay to being with family for Thanksgiving!) Last time I visited I made a Shanghai musts post; this time round I’ve created a ShanghaiContinue reading Shanghai Blogger Roundup
My Five ~ Short Hair Dos
The last time I wrote about my five hair dos was after I had stopped using shampoo for six months. While that “do” for my hair is still the same, I’ve got a new set of must hair dos now that my hair is short.
When I saw this skirt ages ago, I knew it would be a perfect addition for my November wardrobe. The flowers are so autumnal with their oranges and greens and stand out set in a mirrored arrangement on navy blue. The skirt is like a cornucopia. The elastic waste band is also helpful for aContinue reading Cornucopia
Nordstrom Gift Guide: for the Hosts
[show_ms_widget id=”9736074″ image_id=”10167654″ width=”750″ height=”1024″] Often times when I go to someone’s home, Kevin and I will simply bring a bottle of wine. That’s pretty common practice. Yet, during the holiday season, it’s nice to add a little something to the gift. I’ve created this host gift guide–all from Nordstrom again. Hey! They have freeContinue reading Nordstrom Gift Guide: for the Hosts
Thanksgiving Roundup
Thanksgiving is just under a week away. We are super excited for two reasons this Thanksgiving: first we actually have the day off. This will be the first time in our 18 years of teaching overseas that we get the holiday! Second, we will be with family! We are visiting my sister Mary in Shanghai.Continue reading Thanksgiving Roundup
My Five ~ How to Host a SWAP
Last night I hosted my first Kremb de la Kremb SWAP. I learned a few things along the way, so I thought I’d share–just in case you too want to get some people in your community together to exchange your old for their new.
A Black Kimono Goes with Everything
Sometimes with a trend, I just nail it! And this summer when I picked up this lacy, totally tasseled black kimono was such an instance. I wear this kimono at least once a week. It either dresses up my torn up jeans, adds a bohemian touch to my little black dress, or serves as aContinue reading A Black Kimono Goes with Everything
Serial Roundup
I’m up to date! Are you? And I can’t wait until Thursday–can you? You’ve listened to Serial the podcast right? No? Well, talk to me in a week once you are caught up. Last Wednesday I listened to the first episode of this phenomenal podcast called Serial. Since then I haven’t been able to getContinue reading Serial Roundup
The B.E. Influence
Almost every day, I go visit a couple of blogs that definitely influence me. Sometimes these visits provide inspiration or other times they might prompt imitation. I’m not the kind to get jealous of the brands I might see–I don’t think I’ll ever own a pair of Louboutin’s, and I’m ok with that. Every onceContinue reading The B.E. Influence
Nordstrom Gift Guide: For Gigi, an 11 Year Old Girl
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Sassy Contributor
Hong Kong has afforded me many opportunities that I would have never dreamt would come my way. One such opportunity has been the ability to contribute to one of my favorite web sources for all things Hong Kong: Sassy Media Group. I first read from the Sassy site when I was in Beijing knowing IContinue reading Sassy Contributor
Fashion Fixation: Sequin Track Pants
Last year I had to have (and eventually tracked down) the perfect (p)leather track pants. This year in anticipation of the holiday season I feel I must have a pair of sequin track pants. I could spend mucho moolah money, but of course I won’t! I’ve found various options under $130 but knowing myself, IContinue reading Fashion Fixation: Sequin Track Pants