The last Sister Sister post was just about a year ago when Mary and I were in Thailand together over New Years. I cannot reiterate how fortunate I feel having my sister living just two and a half hours away in Shanghai. We’re in the same timezone for one, so we can text and chatContinue reading Sister Sister
Holiday Style: Sequin Pants Dressed Down
A while back I declared a fashion fixation for sequin track pants. Well, I never did find a pair–yet! But recently I did find some sequin legging pants. I gasped and then jumped when I saw this silver pair in the window of an HM in Shanghai. I went skipping in and nabbed a pairContinue reading Holiday Style: Sequin Pants Dressed Down
Travel Wear: Thematic Dressing
When it comes to travel wear, I am a very thematic dresser. When I go to pack for a trip, I usually think of a color scheme and then work around that. For my recent 4 day weekend trip to Shanghai, I went with all black with pops of white or red. Black is oneContinue reading Travel Wear: Thematic Dressing
Everybody’s Talkin’ ’bout my Tight Pants
Sometimes a jingle gets in your head, and it just won’t leave. Well, that’s the case for all of us in the Krembs’ house these days. We can’t stop singing and dancing around in our tight pants, “We got our tight pants on!!” First check out Will Farrell then be gob-stopped by J. Lo dancingContinue reading Everybody’s Talkin’ ’bout my Tight Pants
Recipe: Grandma Soogie’s Cinnamon Rolls
One of my most prized positions is my Grandma Soogie’s Cinnamon Roll recipe. I remember being a young adult, probably in my 20s, and realizing I needed to know how to make her famous rolls for future holidays when I would be doing the cooking. I asked her during one of my regular card playingContinue reading Recipe: Grandma Soogie’s Cinnamon Rolls
Christmas Cookies Roundup
Cookie Plate Image from Glorious Treats It’s about time for the Krembs family to start pumpin’ out the Christmas cookies. We usually have a set of staples that we always make–like Pfefer Nuts, Russian Tea Cookies, and Spritzers. The Pfefer Nuts are already made–probably because they are so easy. The Russian Tea Cookies are upContinue reading Christmas Cookies Roundup
Red Trench and a Skyline Tote
I’ve been wanting a trench for a while (right Maureen!?). I always see one, try it on, and think, meh. Not for me. But then, I realized what was wrong: the color! I am not a khaki colored trench coat kind of person. They just don’t suit me. Now red, that’s a trench I canContinue reading Red Trench and a Skyline Tote
Hong Kong in Shanghai with Louella Odié
As seen from so many updates here on the blog, my Instagram feed, or my Facebook page, we recently visited my sister Mary in Shanghai for Thanksgiving. It was such fun, and I’ll try not to post too much from the trip. One post I will dedicate my awesome travels to is Louella Odié. LouellaContinue reading Hong Kong in Shanghai with Louella Odié
Christmas Plaid
I’ve had my other plaid Christmas skirt for YEARS! It’s pilled on the sides and to be honest, it’s just time to get rid of it. (We’ll see if I actually do!) That’s why when I saw this Christmas plaid skirt in the middle of the spring last year, I jumped on purchasing. I setContinue reading Christmas Plaid
Nordstrom Gift Guide: For the Sisters
[show_ms_widget id=”9869323″ image_id=”10312419″ width=”750″ height=”1024″] [show_ms_widget id=”9869371″ image_id=”10312479″ width=”750″ height=”858″]I love Christmas shopping for my sisters–they have to be the easiest people to shop for on any list. I have many sisters: 2 biological, five through marriage, and several more just from strong friendships made through my life. While unfortunately this is a window shoppingContinue reading Nordstrom Gift Guide: For the Sisters
Christmas Shopping with Kremb de la Kremb
It’s November 28, the day after Thanksgiving. Oh, but it is so much more! Today is Black Friday–the day after Thanksgiving in which the holiday shopping season may officially begin. I’ve actually never witnessed a Black Friday since I live abroad, but I can only imagine the frenzy. Then, on December 1st, it will beContinue reading Christmas Shopping with Kremb de la Kremb
Breaking Thanksgiving Traditions
There’s a Thanksgiving tradition that got broken this year: we put the tree up early! Usually Kevin is highly against this, but a special arrangement was made since a) we won’t be in Hong Kong for the actually turkey day and b) we had a chance to have our Hong Kong cousins over to decorateContinue reading Breaking Thanksgiving Traditions