The other day a good friend of mine was telling me about something she read about style. She read a blog post about being able to name one’s style in five words. This really got me thinking. Can I name my style in five words? There are a ton of adjectives to describe my style,Continue reading Describing My Style
Culottes Dressed Down & Culottes Dressed Up
I love my black culottes! They’re super versatile. I usually wear them dressed up–like here for a Chinese festival or here with polka dots. While they’re easy to dress up, they also make for a perfect casual trouser. Just throw on a tee and some Chucks and I’m set. I swear; anything is possible withContinue reading Culottes Dressed Down & Culottes Dressed Up
Happy Brights! Happy Spring!
Happy Spring! And happy brights! I think it’s official that we can now bust out our bright, cheery spring clothes. I did so this last weekend with a bright striped dress, shoes, sunnies and bag, plus matching yellow wall. Nothing like a little color to make one feel bright! (Including bright lips and bright eyes–IContinue reading Happy Brights! Happy Spring!
Style Story 12: Patterns and Texture All Week Long
Patterns and texture were abundant in each one of my work outfits this past week. Lucky for me it was a four day work week. It has been interesting too look back on the outfits though and see tons of patterns and texture: checks with ribbons, sparkles with snake, lace with plaid, and lace withContinue reading Style Story 12: Patterns and Texture All Week Long
Pink Hair! Have you ever considered dying your hair a bright color?
I’ve got pink hair! I’ve always thought about dying my hair. It’s almost like I have a bucket hair list. Or perhaps I might be experiencing a midlife crisis. First, I totally chop all my hair off, and now I’ve gone and dyed it bright pink. Well, I’m having fun! That’s all that matters right?!Continue reading Pink Hair! Have you ever considered dying your hair a bright color?
Style Story: Work AND Resort Wear
What to wear for a four days of work at a resort!? I love my job! This past weekend I was away in beautiful Kota Kinabalu for a work conference. Meeting up with teachers from all over Asia meant I was able to catch up with many friends made at the different posts we’ve had.Continue reading Style Story: Work AND Resort Wear
Packing 101: Choose a Theme Continued
It may look like a mess, but there is some order here: only black and white for this weekend work/resort trip. For my last trip, which happened to be work related, I chose a theme: flowy, culotte pants. Again, I am on a work related trip, and I “resort”-ed my packing to a theme. HoweverContinue reading Packing 101: Choose a Theme Continued
The Bag with the Worst Wrap
This sweet version should be arriving any minute. The gold details really attracted me–so luxe but sporty all the same. I got it from ASOS. There’s a bag out there that is the ideal carry all but for some reason it gets a really bad wrap. I’m not even sure what to call it anymoreContinue reading The Bag with the Worst Wrap
The Fab 40s in Marsala and Denim
Today I bring you The Fab 40s in Marsala and Denim. The six of us in the fab 40s each chose an outfit themed with “Marsala and Denim.” To be honest, I don’t think about my age that much. I know I’m in my 40s, but it doesn’t really phase me when it comes toContinue reading The Fab 40s in Marsala and Denim
Style Story: Back to Work Outfits
My style story this week has returned to work outfits–well at least three out of the five days! On both Monday and Friday I was able to dress down which is rare for me. In fact, I seem to rarely wear jeans; I think it’s time to invest in a new pair… This is theContinue reading Style Story: Back to Work Outfits
India’s Beautiful People
This will be my last instalment from India–until my next trip. And there will be another one because India has become that essential place that replenishes my soul. I know I’ve been writing so much about India whether it’s about packing, my adoration of Ganesh, fashion bloggers from India, or the outfits I wear travelingContinue reading India’s Beautiful People
I Love India
I love India! I know, I know, enough already, but just give me today and tomorrow to express some more of my love for India. I have to get it out of my system for the time being, and then I’ll be all set till the next visit. I’m often asked out of all theContinue reading I Love India