Every summer there’s something that is repeatedly put on the table; this summer that dish is quinoa salad with zucchini and walnuts. I use cookbooks and the internet as well as recipes that are passed on by friends or family, but sometimes I create a recipe myself. That’s the case with this quinoa salad. It’sContinue reading Recipe: Quinoa Salad with Zucchini and Walnuts
Kremb de la Kremb Cabin: A History
When you pull up to our cabin, you can recognize ours as the second cabin–the one with the red roof. Our cabin is part of a housing development from the 1920s. The elite of Spokane used to use this area for their outings, hence the name, Tessemini Outing Club. I refer so much online andContinue reading Kremb de la Kremb Cabin: A History
DIY Ostrich Feather Bag
I finally realized it’d have to be a DIY Ostrich bag. If there’s one thing you might be realizing about me, it’s that I’m very persistent. And, if it has to do with getting a stylistic idea in my closet, I’m doubly persistent. This has been the case with Shana’s, of The Mom Edit, awesomeContinue reading DIY Ostrich Feather Bag
Madewell Jeans: The Flea Market Flares
Madewell jeans are a sure winner. It’s been ages, I mean ages since I bought a new pair of jeans. I think it was 2009 in an H&M in Paris when I bought three pairs of jeans and haven’t invested since. Now, though, my query is over thanks to my sister. She has these MadewellContinue reading Madewell Jeans: The Flea Market Flares
Style Story: 4th of July Style Spirit
The 4th of July Style Spirit is upon us, and I have no shortage. One of these days I will learn not to pack anything home! I arrive to see all sorts of perfect lake clothes including a plethora of red, white, and blue! The town of Spirit Lake, Idaho hosts a 4th of JulyContinue reading Style Story: 4th of July Style Spirit
June Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol 6
The school year 2014-2015 ended for us in June with the summer starting! Immediately after finishing up, the kids and I headed home with Kevin following a week later. We spent a week with my folks and then a week with Kevin’s. For the last weekend in June, I hosted a baby shower with myContinue reading June Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol 6
DIY Fringe Sandals
I had been on the lookout for some fringe sandals, but I could never find the perfect combo of fringe + sandal. It was at this point that I took matters in to my own hands! I knew fringe sandals would be the easiest of easies to make, so when I found the perfect pairContinue reading DIY Fringe Sandals
Jumpsuit Monday: The Lounger
My Jumpsuit Monday series is coming to an end with this last Monday of June, but that by no means I won’t be sporting the this trend for the rest of the summer or even ever for that matter. (In fact as I write I am wearing this jumpsuit for a baby shower my sistersContinue reading Jumpsuit Monday: The Lounger
Style Story: Denim All Week
Denim all week was worn all this week which made sense since it was a super casual week in Seattle. My friend Sheela from Sheela Writes prompted a no denim all last week via a challenge from The Man Repeller. Then, at the same exact time we said to each other, “Hey! Let’s wear denimContinue reading Style Story: Denim All Week
The Fab 40s in Lace
Lace was The Fab 40s theme for this month of June. We’ve covered the color of the year, the jumpsuit trend plus the gingham trend, and now lace. In this one I think we are definitely all very different. That’s what’s so fun about this collaboration with Sheela, Dixie, Dawn Lucy, and Jane. We allContinue reading The Fab 40s in Lace
Jumpsuit Monday: The Romper
A romper is a funny word. Somewhere along the fashion terminology timeline, the jumpsuit was paired with shorts rather than pant legs became known as a romper. And yes, the romper is basically the perfect summer shorts jumpsuit. I’ve had this one for a while. Because of the red, white, and blue colors I don’tContinue reading Jumpsuit Monday: The Romper
Style Story 19: Five Day Denim Challenge
There’s a Five Day Denim Challenge on. It was called by Leandra Medine, the Man Repeller. I hadn’t heard about it until my friend Sheela from Sheela Writes asked if I was up for it. At first I kind of laughed because when I’m on summer vacation, I pretty much live in jeans–of some sortContinue reading Style Story 19: Five Day Denim Challenge