I am totally guilty of hopping on the DIY tie dye train! I’m so guilty that I’m here to share some DOs and DON’Ts–especially since it took me three good tries to get this perfect (in my honest opinion) yellow DIY tie dye sweatshirt. Ok, first, do not use food coloring. Even if you soakContinue reading The DOs and DON’Ts of DIY Tie Dye
Finding Creativity
I know, I know, I keep moaning about creativity and how I just don’t have any lately. But then, I realized, my whining about it has got to stop. Rather I need to do something about it. Creativity is something to work at. Yes, sometimes it’s easy and creative thoughts just come rushing in, butContinue reading Finding Creativity
When will I travel again?
Kremb de la Kremb Carving and Louella OdiĆ© in Boracay I’ve finally figured out what’s been bugging me: I don’t know when we will be able to travel again. We are a family that works hard in anticipation of the next vacation. It’s been Kevin and my way of life for over 20 years. It’sContinue reading When will I travel again?
Spring Break 2020
I’m at a loss for what to write about over here on Kremb de la Kremb. I feel like my creativity is being zapped. Aside from wearing loungewear that isn’t worthy of styling, I have things I want to say, but don’t know how to start…That’s where I’m at. So, since I’m at a loss,Continue reading Spring Break 2020
Tiger King
What is it about the Tiger King that has the entire audience of pop culture enthralled? Sometimes, having lived out of the US for over 20 years now, I feel like I’m missing something. I mean, I’m gonna state the truth: the show is awful! Yet… it’s been a rainy spring break that turned intoContinue reading Tiger King
Make a Happy List
Today I want to make a happy list. With everything so uncertain, it seems like something that can lift my spirits. I can remember the day I took these pictures: I wanted to wear sequins but in a casual way. This made me happy. Then, as I set out with my tripod and camera, theContinue reading Make a Happy List
Who Cares about Puff Sleeves during a Pandemic?!
Who cares about puff sleeves during a pandemic? I mean really! Here I am in my cute little puff sleeves, but does it even matter? I mean most of us are completely freaking out inside. At least I am. I’m bombarded by so many questions all the time. They might be different from yours, butContinue reading Who Cares about Puff Sleeves during a Pandemic?!
I’m going to take a break from serious writing and celebrate a new hashtag movement that’s underway: #dressupfriday. With everyone staying home not to mention working from home, loungewear is on full repeat for most individuals. This is all good and as it should be. Making ourselves comfortable is and should be a priority duringContinue reading #dressupfriday
Schools are Closed, but We are ALL Learning
So much has happened in a week; I can hardly believe it. We are definitely living in an unprecedented time. For Hong Kong, our numbers doubled in one week. Last Sunday we had stayed at a solid 140 coronavirus cases for weeks. Then, with an influx of people returning to Hong Kong, we doubled ourContinue reading Schools are Closed, but We are ALL Learning
Living During Covid-19
It’s official: Covid-19 is a global pandemic. As this scary, dystopian-like fact has stumbled into being over the last few days, I’ve been watching silently, knowing I best share my experiences. I can remember at the end of January, we were just hearing the news… I’m not an expert by any means, but with scaryContinue reading Living During Covid-19
Tie Dye and Acid Wash
Why oh why do things have to come and go? And do I even care? When it comes to tie dye and acid wash, I really don’t. I love both of these washes, so regardless of whether this trend is “in” or not, I’ve been wearing both tie dye and acid wash because I likeContinue reading Tie Dye and Acid Wash
My Straight Bob
This is not meant to come across as an arrogant blog post, but I’m telling you: get a hairstyle that gives you compliments! Recently, I started wearing my hair in a straight bob. Boy, I hadn’t received this many compliments on my hair in ages! It was honestly so odd, but once a day IContinue reading My Straight Bob