1. In August I worked with Vanisha (@alifeunstyled) from A Life Un-styled. She offers mentoring sessions, and I learned a ton from her during our hour session together. First off, I found that while I’d like more followers (like any blogger would), what I’m really after is engagement. I crave the connection I get fromContinue reading August’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol 8
The Fab 40s in Menswear
This month The Fab 40s bring you their interpretation of menswear. When I saw Geneva’s, from A Pair and a Spare, DIY for an off-the-shoulder dress/top made out of a men’s shirt, I felt a thrill of excitement. Now, I do not have a sewing machine in Hong Kong (I’d like that to changw!), soContinue reading The Fab 40s in Menswear
Almost Done…
I’m almost done with two things that have been taking up a lot of my time and energy! First, I’ve been working toward a certificate in personal styling from The London College of Style for way too long now. They have been more than patient with my delinquency in turning in assignments. I have oneContinue reading Almost Done…
DIY Tassel Heels
1. Gather the supplies: For this DIY Tassel Heels project, I need to find this simple style of sandal where the back heel buckle slips out of the holder. I found a pair of Steve Madden sandals on sale at TJ Maxx that were perfect. At my local craft store, Joann’s, I picked up someContinue reading DIY Tassel Heels
Ostrich Feather Bag Styled
I was a busy DIYer this summer, but by far my most coveted creation was this ostrich feather bag! I just love it. For this outfit post, I had some serious fun styling the bag. The lake was moody, so I went for one of my favorite color combos: blue and black. Granted, I didn’tContinue reading Ostrich Feather Bag Styled
Kremb de la Kremb Cabin: The Love Shack and Bunk Room
The Love Shack Aside from The Family Room, there are two other bedrooms that flank the middle room. On the right there’s a room that has always been called The Love Shack. If I remember correctly, I think the Coynes were the first couple to stay in there. It’s always been a cozy little roomContinue reading Kremb de la Kremb Cabin: The Love Shack and Bunk Room
First Day of School, 2015
This year the first day of school pics are coming from Gigi and me, and that’s ok. Vincent is now 13, and I can appreciate that he wants to make his own digital presence. Luckily I still have one more poser (The apple doesn’t fall far, huh?!) in the family, and believe me, I’m goingContinue reading First Day of School, 2015
The Co-Ord at the Community Library
The co-ord was a new fashion term introduced to me by my niece this summer. The co-ord is basically short for a coordinate–or in other words a matching top and bottom. The co-ord is an excellent substitute for a dress or suit; often times the top might be cropped or extra flowy, and the bottomsContinue reading The Co-Ord at the Community Library
My Style Interview with Sylvia from 40 Plus Style
There are a couple of very supportive and influential ladies in the middle aged blogging community. I’ve mentioned Catherine from Not Dressed as Lamb. She holds a similar motto to me regarding confidence being the very best accessory. There’s another very supportive and collaborative individual based in Singapore: Sylvia from 40 Plus Style. Sylvia hasContinue reading My Style Interview with Sylvia from 40 Plus Style
DIY Trimmed Boots
I’ve had this pair of boots that season after season weren’t getting worn. If I wanted a cowboy look, I’d always wear my mom’s cowboy boots. (I’ve only posted these boots one for a Fab 40s collab.) Then, after success with my fringe sandals and my trimmed mini skirt, I thought to myself: maybe theseContinue reading DIY Trimmed Boots
Spirit Lake–One of the Fashion Capitols of the World
The moment we head left on Main Street to pass through Spirit Lake and head down toward the lake, we slow down and take inventory. This summer sadly the regular ice cream parlor we’d frequent often was vacant. It was quite sad for all of us–especially the kids and their grammy. On the upside however,Continue reading Spirit Lake–One of the Fashion Capitols of the World
Style Story: Lake Style Glammed UP
Obviously feeling a little dressed up is important to me; it sets my mood. I’m all for casual, but a little too much of it can actually bring me down. There are four things that I do out at the lake that compliment the casual style while making me feel a little more glam. IContinue reading Style Story: Lake Style Glammed UP