It’s Friday night, so let’s go shopping! This time however I’m searching for touches of fur. I have my good ol’ Chewbaca coat waiting for me to pull out of the winter boxes, but until the temps chill here in Hong Kong, I’ll have to opt for more subtle options. For those out there whoContinue reading Let’s Go Shopping for a Touch of Fur
Trying a Trend: The Long Skinny Scarf
I’m all for trying a trend. Last month I gave the kerchief neck tie a try. I’ve worn this style a few more times, and I’m starting to like it a bit more. This month however I’ve attempted another neck accessory: the long skinny scarf. This elongating scarf trend I like a whole lot better!Continue reading Trying a Trend: The Long Skinny Scarf
Style Story Link Up No. 2–I Learned a Lesson This Week!
Oh! I learned a lesson last week. Basically, I found out that I really like my options. I was trying to follow the October Capsule Wardrobe I’ve been offering as an optin if you join my email list. I mean, if I’m going to promote a capsule wardrobe, I should be able to follow it.Continue reading Style Story Link Up No. 2–I Learned a Lesson This Week!
Formula Dressing: Pair Bold with Cozy
I’m all about formula dressing. When I dress with a formula it’s usually a pairing of two (sometimes more) elements of style. One formula that works for me is to pair something bold with something cozy. I’m totally aware that my bold might not be everyone’s bold–here I embrace a feather skirt and know itContinue reading Formula Dressing: Pair Bold with Cozy
Boots Haul
Boots is such a great drugstore! Unfortunately we don’t have this UK chain in Hong Kong–which always kind of surprises me. Luckily Thailand does; therefore it’s a regular stop for me when we make a trip to Thailand. There a couple of items I always stock up on, and of course it’s fun to tryContinue reading Boots Haul
Style Tip: If You Think You Are, You Are
There’s always so much to be insecure about. Really there is. I do know this, but I choose to ignore any self doubt that tries to creep in my mind. Rather I choose to follow this style tip: If I think I am, I am.
First Style Story Link Up
I love a good Style Story. I seem to have a story behind pretty much everything I wear each and every day. And, I also have really appreciated how other bloggers offer link ups–a place where bloggers can share a link and then connect with other bloggers. What’s a Style Story without connection? Kind ofContinue reading First Style Story Link Up
Let’s Go Shopping for Fun Tennis Shoes
It’s pretty obvious if you follow me on Instagram that my daily #ootd consists of either my white Adidas tennies or my black New Balance ones. Hobbling around on crutches hasn’t lend itself as an excuse for me to sacrifice my style. Rather, I’ve just been rethinking my style–which as of late involves comfy tennies.Continue reading Let’s Go Shopping for Fun Tennis Shoes
Off the Shoulder with No Shorts?!
Of course I brought my off the shoulder men’s shirt to wear as a cover up during last week’s beach to Thailand. And of course on the last day when I finally got around to taking some pics–basically right before we left–it started to pour! But, oh rain feels so good. (I love the rain.Continue reading Off the Shoulder with No Shorts?!
September’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol 9
September was a very, very big month for me filled and dedicated to recuperating after my hip surgery. Despite or maybe because of time spent healing, I felt like September was a great month:
DIY: 3 Tee Shirt Hacks
I seem to be collecting tees a the same rate as collectible magnets from travel destinations. I really can’t seem to stop–especially now that my style is taking on a more casual state with the increase wear of tennies each day. Regardless, there is something I often do to the tee shirts I collect: IContinue reading DIY: 3 Tee Shirt Hacks
The Fab 40s in Fringe
The Fab 40s are now into their 7th month. It feels like we just styled menswear just the other day! Now when it’s each of our turns, not only do we decide the theme to style, but we also get to invite a fellow 40 something blogger. With my turn this month, I was inspiredContinue reading The Fab 40s in Fringe