Last Christmas when we spent our holiday in Bali, I found the perfect work party dress. It seems like the most unusual place to find such a sparkly item, but when I saw this shift, I fell in love at first sight–regardless of where it was found. Since I love dressing up, I had noContinue reading The Perfect Work Party Dress
The Holiday LRD, Round 2
It was just last week that I was showcasing a holiday LRD (little red dress). It turns out that I have another holiday LRD (and maybe even a couple more–we’ll see!). This little red dress now appears to be more of tunic since I might have (again!) hemmed it too short. Both the snowflake tunicContinue reading The Holiday LRD, Round 2
Style Stories No. 8 and Blog Readers
Two weeks ago I hosted a link up right around Thanksgiving–which is always a weekend filled with gratitude. I took that moment to thank a few (9 to be exact) fellow bloggers: individuals that have helped me to become a better blogger. A blog however would be nothing without its readers. A blog needs readers.Continue reading Style Stories No. 8 and Blog Readers
I got a New Plaid Shirt!
Last week, I declared my need for a new plaid shirt; then, it was the day after that I found one. (Since my doctor’s office is right in the heart of shopping central, I just happened to take a peek in Zara!) This new plaid shirt is perfect for the cooler temperatures since it’s madeContinue reading I got a New Plaid Shirt!
The Holiday LRD
I don’t need much of an excuse to wear an lrd (little red dress), but I do like to save my little red dresses for holiday wear. Imagine my joy when I was able to scoop up this cute number from my vintage blogging buddy Norbyah. We might be close in height but definitely notContinue reading The Holiday LRD
Zara in Hong Kong, Gigi in Zara, + Zara Holiday Outfit Ideas
Online shopping just keeps on becoming easier and easier. More and more lines are offering the service to shop from your couch, wait for a little bit, and then have the item delivered to your home–sometimes for free if you spend enough money on the site. As we’ve watched Zara ship to other localations aroundContinue reading Zara in Hong Kong, Gigi in Zara, + Zara Holiday Outfit Ideas
I Need a New Plaid Shirt!
*Update: I have since purchased a new plaid shirt. A new plaid shirt post should go live on Wednesday, December 9th! It is now December; therefore my plaid shirt will be in heavy rotation. The problem is it’s a bit done: the color has faded, it never seems to smell fully clean (I apologize ifContinue reading I Need a New Plaid Shirt!
November’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 11
I just realized I haven’t completed my monthly Instagram recap for both November and December of 2015! I better do this before the end of January. If you follow me on Instagram @krembdelakremb than these posts might seem repetitive. For me though, since Instagram is by far my most favorite social network, I enjoy lookingContinue reading November’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol. 11
The Fab 40s in Formal Holiday Wear
I love to dress up! Seriously!! Getting dressed up is usually ten times better than the actual event I’m dressing for. The preplanning before any event is the best. Deciding upon just the right pair of earrings, the clutch to use, how to do my makeup, well I love everything about formal holiday wear. Yet,Continue reading The Fab 40s in Formal Holiday Wear
Style Stories No. 7 and Some Thanks to Blogger Friends
As an American this past Thanksgiving weekend is always pretty special. It’s a time to spend with family and friends; most importantly it’s especially a time to give thanks. So for this week’s link up I thought I do just that–give thanks for my blogging community and the blogger friends I’ve made in the lastContinue reading Style Stories No. 7 and Some Thanks to Blogger Friends
More Paisley Pants
Just this past Sunday I shared the love of a pair of my paisley pants, but they aren’t the only pair of paisley pants that I covet. This pair, with it’s slouchy pant and expandable waistline, is way more suitable for a Thanksgiving meal. The only problem with these utterly cozy, pajama like pants, isContinue reading More Paisley Pants
Style Stories Link Up No. 6 and My Paisley Pants
The Kremb de la Kremb Style Stories Link Up is back this week, and for my own style story I’m sharing the story of these crazy paisley pants! I’ve had this pair of paisley pants since Vincent was born–that means they’re 14 years old! Sometimes I’ve thought about getting rid of them, but then, they’veContinue reading Style Stories Link Up No. 6 and My Paisley Pants