Since I no longer have a straight bob and haven’t for a while now, it was about time for me to update my profile pic. And! With a new hairdo that has me feeling confident again, I put on a cute outfit I’d worn this week, I grabbed my tripod and Remota, and I wentContinue reading 9 Years of Profile Pics OR a History of Hairdos
We’re Moving to Quito, Ecuador
Photo by Jerzy Andrzej Kucia from Pixabay We are moving to Quito, Ecuador! Yes, that’s right!! After (what will be) 9 amazing years in Hong Kong, we are moving on to a new school, city, country, and time zone! (We will only be 3 hours ahead of family and friends back home in the PacificContinue reading We’re Moving to Quito, Ecuador
Winter Whites with Rico
One’s personal style is always evolving–at least mine is. Lately, there seem to be more days when I don’t like what I’m wearing to work… however, when I do like it, I want to celebrate my style. That was the case with this winter whites outfit. I wore this exact outfit to work on Wednesday–afterContinue reading Winter Whites with Rico
The Year of the OX! Happy Chinese New Year!
Whoah! The Year of the Rat was a doozy! Both Kevin and I are rats too, so we couldn’t help but feel the zodiac weight of the world that was last year. I remember explaining to Kevin that when it’s your year, it can also be one of difficulty and hardship–hence the reason many believersContinue reading The Year of the OX! Happy Chinese New Year!
If I Had Your Face
A while ago, I made a series of posts where I’d style an outfit to accompany a book I’d read. On Sunday, while deeply immersed in If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha, I looked at the cover of the book and then my sweater. I knew I had to go take some picturesContinue reading If I Had Your Face
2021 Project–A Photo Album a Month
I’ve never been one to make new year resolutions. In the past I’ve chosen a word to represent the year only to have that word forgotten a month later. Nope, none of that focus, goals, words, resolutions is for me. But, there’s a BUT. I would like to do something. So I have an idea…Continue reading 2021 Project–A Photo Album a Month
UGH! I hate my hair!
Have you ever gone in to the hair stylist with a great idea for a haircut, only to have it be a big ol’ flop? I went from absolutely loving my hair to hating it! For about a year there I had my hair chemically straightened and wore it in a chic bob. In factContinue reading UGH! I hate my hair!
I Love Cold Hong Kong
Yes, the fake is fur, but my wearing it is not. Cold Hong Kong–which is only about a month-long–is actually quite fun. Cold weather is all relative. I mean temperatures aside, we all feel really cold over here. There is no heating insider our buildings here in Hong Kong–unless you count my Fashy (my hotContinue reading I Love Cold Hong Kong
Merry (Late!) Christmas from the Four Krembs
I Look So Much Like My Mom
I look so much like my mom! It feels very odd to edit pictures of myself and totally see her. Or, I may even catch a glance of myself in a mirror and think it’s my mom. I mean I know I always have resembled her, but there’s something about me right now at myContinue reading I Look So Much Like My Mom
Wear a Mask
I’ve been very confused by those that refuse to wear the mask. I see stories online either via news channels or my Instagram feed; some people are very opposed about having to wear a mask. This baffles me. It absolutely doesn’t make any sense. To wear a mask is the respectful thing to do forContinue reading Wear a Mask
My Blogging Block and Thoughts on Racism
I’ve got a bad case of blogging block, and I have figured out why. I never did put that little black square on my Instagram feed. I didn’t and haven’t put anything to support, contradict, or even mention the #blacklivesmatter movement. Honestly I have tayed mute. I never wanted to say the wrong thing. I’mContinue reading My Blogging Block and Thoughts on Racism