Oh, it’s so silly! But these flat lays seen here in this Style Stories post, well, I ended up in the hospital because of them! That sounds awfully dramatic, so I’ll back up. I brought back my Style Stories two weeks ago with this post. I had such fun making the flat lays that IContinue reading The Style Stories that Broke the Blogger’s Back!
Typhoon Hato
Today was a typhoon day: Typhoon Hato came and rocked Hong Kong–especially the south side where we live. These typhoons that hit Asia can be quite devastating. Luckily the infrastructure of Hong Kong is so strong that Hong Kong will be back to running within the next day or two. Some places in the worldContinue reading Typhoon Hato
Wide Legged Pants: Ping Pong piece No.5
It’s the twentieth, so therefore Samantha, Anna and I plus Liyana are brining you a Ping Pong Piece. For August we are featuring wide legged pants. I must say right off the bat that I may have not taken the challenge all the way. I probably should have featured these wide leg pants: myContinue reading Wide Legged Pants: Ping Pong piece No.5
The Spirit Lake Legend
There is no doubt that Spirit Lake is a magical place for our family. Every summer, blog posts are created in this beautiful setting. I’ve shared cabin candids, the layout and rooms of the place, parades and park parties. Spirit Lake is a place we anticipate the very second we leave. It’s kind of likeContinue reading The Spirit Lake Legend
My Favorite Cabin Spaces
When we pull up to the cabin, this is our first view of the lake–always a glorious sight to behold. Well, being out at our cabin on Spirit Lake in Idaho is becoming a distant memory,and of course the entire family is already looking forward to next summer when we can return. Before all myContinue reading My Favorite Cabin Spaces
Water Aerobics
Recently I’ve been reintroduced to water aerobics. I used to take weekly classes back when I lived in Saudi Arabia, but that was ages ago. My mother-in-law goes to her water aerobics’ classes religiously each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. No matter what she leave to make her class by 9 am. For my in-law’s 50thContinue reading Water Aerobics
Bringing Back My Style Stories: No. 14
I used to enjoy writing a Style Stories post once a week highlighting what I’d worn during the week–like the real outfits that actually get worn. This does one main thing for me: it helps me figure out what’s getting worn. If I wear something and don’t feel good in that item, then I haveContinue reading Bringing Back My Style Stories: No. 14
California Dreaming
Kevin and I had such an amazing trip through California this summer! We rented a convertible (white GTE Mustang) and drove north from La up the coast. We stopped in five places: Venice Beach, Santa Barbara, Morro Bay, Monterey, and Santa Cruz. (I’ll make sure to link the places I recommend at the end ofContinue reading California Dreaming
What topics do you want to read about on Kremb de la Kremb?
This was my header from way back when I started Kremb de la Kremb in 2006. I’m back! I took the summer off, and it felt so great, but to be honest I really do miss writing here on the blog. I was happy to post the few times that I did. I love theContinue reading What topics do you want to read about on Kremb de la Kremb?
The Fab 40s in Ruffles
Jenny from A Pocketful of Polka Dots called ruffles this month. At first I was like, “Meh. I’m not such a ruffle girl.” But then I realized if I took a look in my wardrobe, it’s actually filled with ruffles. I had a laugh at myself!! There were so many options from a ruffle unitard,Continue reading The Fab 40s in Ruffles
Cover-Up: Ping Pong Post No. 5
I was so happy when Anna called a cover-up for July’s Ping Pong Piece; it’s pretty much all you’ll find me in this summer out at Spirit Lake. Although my version of a cover-up is a little different: it’s a very old white fisherman sweater. It’s been a very breezy summer, so while I amContinue reading Cover-Up: Ping Pong Post No. 5
A Ginham Top–Shopping with Debbie
Debbie, from Fashion Fairy Dust, and I have been shopping again! This time I let her know that I’d been wanting a black and white gingham top. So just like last month, we went to Instagram and sent direct messages back and forth of items we liked. It’s amazing all that we can do inContinue reading A Ginham Top–Shopping with Debbie