The Fab 40s have taken a little four month break, but we’re back, in VELVET! I’m no stranger to the velvet love. In fact, last spring I compiled all the velvet looks I’d created in one single post; there were eight looks in total! Since that post, I’ve continued to add velvet to my closet–hereContinue reading The Fab 40s are BACK! In Velvet
Elegant Elephants
Our Christmas day this past 2017 was completely magical: we spent the entire day with some very elegant elephants! Elephants have long been a favorite animal in the Krembs’ family, so spending Christmas day with them was an extremely cool gift. The other amazing part of Christmas 2017 was being with my sister’s family. InContinue reading Elegant Elephants
Covered Perfectly
I get pretty excited when a brand reaches out to me–it’s like, “Yes! I’m doing something right!” When a female entrepreneur contacts me, I get even more excited–like with this cozy loden green lounge suit/pajamas. Pauline Durban founded Covered Perfectly when she couldn’t find tops that made her feel good while wearing them. Rather thanContinue reading Covered Perfectly
I Love Hong Kong: Wan Chai
I’ve been missing out on something, something with a whole lot of potential: Hong Kong! So many times I find an interesting wall and then use that as my backdrop. Well, there’s so much more to this city than it’s cool, grungy walls. For this reason, I’m starting a new series today called “I loveContinue reading I Love Hong Kong: Wan Chai
Sailing, Takes Me Away….
My brother-in-law sailed my sister to me. It’s very extravagant sounding, but it’s the truth. I was sitting on Railay Beach in Thailand with my family. The sun was beginning its set. Meanwhile, texts were being exchanged between the two of us: “Can you see that cruise boat?” she texted. “I think you just passedContinue reading Sailing, Takes Me Away….
Looking Back, Looking Forward
Wow what a break! I’ve missed writing here on the blog, but it was very nice to disconnect and simply focus my energies on spending time with my family. (There will be plenty of upcoming content from my trip to Thailand with my sister’s family and my own, so stay tuned–for real this time!) It’sContinue reading Looking Back, Looking Forward
Merry Thai Christmas
Do you remember our trip to the Philippines in October? Remember how I was gushing about the Forever 21 in Clark, Philippines? Well. It was during that trip that I basically purchased all the holiday outfits I’d wear during this winter break holiday to Thailand. When I saw this bright off-the-shoulder red lacy dress, IContinue reading Merry Thai Christmas
Merry Christmas (from last year!)
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas with pictures that were meant to be sent out last year… I had the best intentions of sending out a New Year card then a Chinese New Year Card, then maybe just a card, and well, there never was a card! These are a few of the family pictures we tookContinue reading Merry Christmas (from last year!)
What I Really Wore to the Christmas Party
Goodness, I’m sure you’re wondering what I wore to my Christmas party. This is always such a busy time of year, and unfortunately my blog is getting the brunt of it being ignored and all. I do apologize for that that. On Friday I posted two Christmas party outfits, and guess what!? I went withContinue reading What I Really Wore to the Christmas Party
What to Wear to the Christmas Party?
What should I wear to my Christmas party tonight? Last year I hated what I wore, so this year I want to love what I wear to my school’s Christmas party!Continue reading What to Wear to the Christmas Party?
Christmas Plaid Shirt Layered
I tried mixing up my Christmas plaid shirt again. This time I layered it under a velvet pant co-ord I picked up at the end of holiday season sales last winter. Here’s the thing: I’ll give things a try. These green velvet pants are perfect: they’re comfy, a beautiful color, and on constant repeat. TheContinue reading Christmas Plaid Shirt Layered
Christmas Plaid on Plaid
Like a lot of people, I especially appreciate the styling of J.Crew. It seems for the last three years, they’ve been pairing Christmas plaid on plaid. Well, I finally decided to give it a go. My mind went through so many thoughts. Here the are in sequential order: 1. The family was shopping at theContinue reading Christmas Plaid on Plaid