Even My Feelings Have Feelings (and Some Thoughts on Parenting)

Even my feelings have feelings! It’s true; they do! When I saw this t-shirt, I had to have it. It literally spoke to me. I could relate to the sentiment so completely. Maybe it’s because I’m a Pisces—one of the zodiac signs that portrays a lot of emotions, but perhaps they all do…. Regardless, itContinue reading Even My Feelings Have Feelings (and Some Thoughts on Parenting)

Wearing Yellow–When It Doesn’t Look Good On You

Wearing yellow isn’t for everyone–even though I’m giving it a good attempt this spring with yellow trousers here and a sequins shift here. Since wearing yellow is one of the more difficult shades of color to wear, here I’m showing an easy way to incorporate this popular spring color: statement yellow earrings paired with aContinue reading Wearing Yellow–When It Doesn’t Look Good On You