Every summer since 1997, we spend a bit of time with Kevin’s folks in Seattle. And every summer, we always set aside one day to take a trip down to Pike Place. That means for 20 odd summers or so we’ve been visiting Pike Place every single time we go to Kevin’s home, and theContinue reading Pike Place with Babaji
Statement Tees: I love HK–A Fab 40s Post
It’s true! I love HK!! When Jennie called statement tees for this month’s blogger collaboration, I was like “PHEW!” That’s basically all I wear–every day, with a pair of sneakers. Even last month when I struggled, I reverted back to a statement tee and sneaks! Of course, because I’m a silly overthinker, I thought toContinue reading Statement Tees: I love HK–A Fab 40s Post
Gigi Krembs’ Celebration
This girl of mine, Gigi Krembs, well, she’s pretty awesome! Her smile is contagious and her heart is pure gold. All of her teachers can only give us compliments: like how kind she is to her classmates, what a leader she is amongst her peers, the fearlessness she exhibits with her questions. Yes, every timeContinue reading Gigi Krembs’ Celebration
Here’s to Wearing Short Shorts–All Summer Long
Today was my last day at work for the 2017-2018 school year. We leave for Seattle on Sunday morning and arrive on Sunday at the same time we leave–gotta love time travel! We’ll have no problem staying up however once we arrive; we’ll be heading to an afternoon Mariners’ game! Love me some Ms baseballContinue reading Here’s to Wearing Short Shorts–All Summer Long
Wearing Short Shorts–A Before and After Edit
This week I promised short shorts all week. Here’s round two in short shorts even though I may be too old to wear them. But, I don’t care. Yes, I’m ageing, and my legs are too, but I’m still going to wear short shorts. Even older, with dimples and wrinkles, I still like my legs,Continue reading Wearing Short Shorts–A Before and After Edit
I Wear Short Shorts–Even If I Shouldn’t!
It’s true! I wear short shorts–even if I shouldn’t be. I’ve heard it said that a woman should find one thing about herself that she likes and then go with it. For me, it’s always been my legs. Unfortunately, along with the rest of my bod, they too are starting to look a bit old.Continue reading I Wear Short Shorts–Even If I Shouldn’t!
A Librarian Look: My LBJ (Little Black Jumpsuit)
This week I had a fun party to attend with my husband, so this falls under an actual “Librarian Look.” Usually, I’ve already left for my summer vacation, but this time around, the administrative end of year dinner was this past Monday. I knew it would be dressy since it was at The China Club,Continue reading A Librarian Look: My LBJ (Little Black Jumpsuit)
Wear Shorts Under a Short Dress
Now that my favorite store, Forever 21 41, is all the way over in Mong Kok, sometimes (Ok! All the time!!) I’ll browse Forever 21 online. The sales are usually insane, I’m usually a size large, and I’ll usually put in an order that barely reaches $100 USD but is a cart chockablocked full ofContinue reading Wear Shorts Under a Short Dress
Open Heart Open Mind–Making Lists
I’m a sucker for t-shirts with a message. Always. I’ve also got a bit of a uniform down: graphic tee, quirky skirt, and my sneaks. This message though about having an “Open Heart, Open Mind,” has got me thinking. It definitely speaks to me, but why? Do I really have an open heart and anContinue reading Open Heart Open Mind–Making Lists
A Librarian Look–A Night at the Ball
Last Friday night, Kevin and I got dressed up for the ball–our school’s Annual Fund Ball. In my opinion, figuring out what to wear, how to style my makeup and hair, which accessories to use, well that’s all the fun of the actual ball. It’s the process beforehand that I usually prefer. In fact, IContinue reading A Librarian Look–A Night at the Ball
Tales of the Unexpected: A Fab 40s Post
I think I pretty much missed the memo this time around for our Fab 40s blogger collaboration. Tales of the Unexpected…hmmm, what exactly does that mean? I spent a good couple of weeks hemming and hawing on the theme Suzy set out for this month. I had no idea what to do. Seriously, I wasContinue reading Tales of the Unexpected: A Fab 40s Post
A Librarian Look–Or Rather, An Outfit Fail
Oh my! If I don’t like what I’m wearing I will have one heck of a day! I call this sort of day a total outfit fail. A couple of Fridays I went through an entire day with outfit fail after outfit fail. It’s as if I knew it would happen. I had packed anContinue reading A Librarian Look–Or Rather, An Outfit Fail