Oh my. I have a problem with any cute white top. Take this white top featured in this blog post. I have accidentally purchased it exactly three times! That’s quite ridiculous. I mean three times! How did I not remember? And why, when I went to return the second one, did I find a third?Continue reading White Top X 3
Laced Up: A Fab 40s Post
When Sheela called “Laced Up,” for this month’s Fab 40s theme, it was a no brainer. Of course I maintained my sartorial signature: sneakers! And of course, this pair of over-the-top, clunky sneakers have their own little back story…. I can’t remember where I first spied the Fila Disruptor last spring, but once I did,Continue reading Laced Up: A Fab 40s Post
What I’ve Been Up To
A year ago today… WIBUT? it stands for “What I’ve Been Up To.” I’ve never done a post like this, but I always appreciate it when other bloggers so, so I thought I’d give it a try. Maybe it will become a semi regular post, but I wanted to share what I’ve been up toContinue reading What I’ve Been Up To
The Sneaker Lady
These days, I’ve been thinking of changing my name to The Sneaker Lady. It seems fitting–and not just because sneakers are super popular these days. In fact, I’d rather prefer if sneakers weren’t so trendy; then I could be the only one wearing them. Ever since my first hip surgery back in the fall ofContinue reading The Sneaker Lady
A Little Blue Dress–My New LBD
Usually on the first day of school, I always wear an LBD–of the black variety. But, this year, I deviated and wore a new sort of LBD–the little blue dress. With some encouragement from my sister this summer, I was told that I needed to make blue my color. Well if it wasn’t the nextContinue reading A Little Blue Dress–My New LBD
Cherries and Chevrolets
This post’s subject is going to be a little odd, but, I feel inspired to talk about some thoughts I have on a rather random topic: driving. These pictures were actually taken just after we’d received our car rental for the summer. We rented from Hertz, and thankfully they upgraded us to a Chevrolet Tahoe.Continue reading Cherries and Chevrolets
Cabin Candids—Spirit Lake Summer 2018
It’s Monday, August 6, and I leave for back for Hong Kong in a couple of hours. With two hours left of summer, I wanted to get these Spirit Lake summer candids posted. It was great summer. They always are. Especially when we get family time out at Spirit Lake. With my sister renting theContinue reading Cabin Candids—Spirit Lake Summer 2018
Blue Jean Baby in My Cut Offs–a Fab 40s Post
It’s my turn! And since I knew a couple of things about this July–like no wifi out at the lake alongside total lake style, I went with cut offs. Of course. I’m very typical; cut offs are basically all I wear. I’m also lazy when it comes to my summer vacation! Out here in northernContinue reading Blue Jean Baby in My Cut Offs–a Fab 40s Post
Summer Summer Summer Summer Time
Summer time is coming to an end. My sister has started a new saying though: instead of “All good things must come to an end,” she declares, “All good things are wonderful.” And this summer has been just that–WONDERFUL! We started in Seattle and did our usual things like visiting Pike Place and going toContinue reading Summer Summer Summer Summer Time
Can we move to Santa Barbara?
I am so lucky that traveling is such a part of my life! Somehow Kevin and I made this incredible lifestyle that allows for travel during the school year and then some more during out summers. (I can say with confidence that being an international educator is one of the best jobs in the world–atContinue reading Can we move to Santa Barbara?
Oh Hey Vacay!
Oh Hey Vacay! Yes, it’s true: it’s been quiet over here on Kremb de la Kremb because I have been on vacation. I went to Santa Barbara with every intention of getting a post out while I was down there, but in the end…well, I enjoyed my vacation with my in-laws. We always have suchContinue reading Oh Hey Vacay!
An Idaho 4th
I’m at my happy place: Spirit Lake, Idaho! Since we arrived it as been chilly, chilly, chilly–just as I predicted. Luckily, I have a wardrobe full of all my Idaho essentials like these slouchy Levi’s, my very, very old flannel shirt, and the perfectly worn in pair of flip flops. My hair has even startedContinue reading An Idaho 4th