The Outing Club

Tesemini6Our cabin out at Spirit Lake is actually a part of a housing development that started in the 1920s. The Tesemini Outing Club started out as a club for the Spokane elite; the families would make outings out this beautiful setting on Spirit Lake. I can only imagine the fashions that were involved for each visit. I’m sure the Spokane socialites of the day were decked out! They would take the train and then buggy in having picnics for the day on the club lawn or on their own properties. We believe our cabin was built in 1922. In 2022 we’ll have to have a 100 year old party! As for us, we love each and every one of our “outings” to the Tesemini Outing Club!




Tesemini3Do you see Gigi here? She made sure to make a cameo for this one through my reflective glasses!

Some Outfit Details
Sunglasses–Forever 21–out of stock (Read the story on the recovery here!)
Earrings–Indian Market (I kept my jewellery simple and wore these silver hoops all summer long.)
Necklaces–Various charms and Dogeared Karma necklace
Dress–Sans Souci
Tote–Mischa (Also seen here.)
Slip-onsVans (Also seen here plus see my slip-on fixation here.)

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!