A Librarian Look–Or Rather, An Outfit Fail

Oh my! If I don’t like what I’m wearing I will have one heck of a day! I call this sort of day a total outfit fail. A couple of Fridays I went through an entire day with outfit fail after outfit fail. It’s as if I knew it would happen. I had packed an extra pair of jeans just in case. Let me write out the play by play:

I laid all my Levi jeans out on the bed. I’ve got a pair of large, medium, small, and extra small. I started with the medium, and luckily, they were quite large. So, I went for the small; they were tight, but I was determined to make them work. I packed my medium pair just in case….

So I set off in the small pair: the taxi was uncomfortable, sitting at my desk didn’t feel good, even standing was bit too tight for my liking. By midday, I switched out the smalls for the medium, and I felt much more comfortable.

Ahhh, now that I was in my oversize, loose fitting jeans, I felt so much better. Yes, they are baggy, but boy are they comfortable. The only thing was that later on in the afternoon, I would be heading in to downtown Hong Kong, and these jeans are just way too casual for the city. I put the small pair back on, but before doing so, I cut off the hem. Unfortuantely, I cut off a little too much!

Here I was in another uncomfortable taxi ride. At my doc appointment even the doctor commented on how tight my jeans were in comparison to what I usually wear. It was a hot night too. I was so uncomfortable yet again! I had the perfect solution before meeting friends for dinner.

I went into my trusty thrift shop. I went straight to the denim skirts and went through all of them. I found some potential options and bought three. Once purchased, I borrowed the shop’s scissors and cut off one of the skirt’s hem. Voila! I’m always more comfortable in a skirt anyway!

There you have it–three looks in one day, well actually four if the repeat is considered. Which version of denim do you like best? The tight pair of Levis, the loose pair, or the denim cut-off skirt?

Have you had an Outfit Fail?

And if so, do you go to the lengths that I do in order to fix the outfit fail?

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!