Our Shipment has ARRIVED!

On Saturday morning while Gigi with Kevin were at gymnastics, Vincent and I waited for the shipment, the landlords’ people to clear out the storage area in the basement, and the sofa factory with our new sofas to arrive. And you guessed it: they all arrived at the same exact time!

We were both pretty excited to see the trucks coming down the road.  This is taken right outside our front door.  The kids love having the park right across the street.
We were both pretty excited to see the trucks coming down the road. This is taken right outside our front door. The kids love having the park right across the street.


The living room BEFORE:


And the living room AFTER:



The entry room BEFORE:


The entry AFER:

The Ganesh was placed front and center right away.  We still need to hang all of our art work.
The Ganesh was placed front and center right away. We still need to hang all of our art work.

The sunroom BEFORE:


The sunroom AFTER:

Right now, this is our coziest room.  We just hope it won't get too cold in the winter in this windowed space.
Right now, this is our coziest room. We just hope it won't get too cold in the winter in this windowed space.


Here you have the guest room on the first floor up, the TV room, Gigi’s room on the next, then Vincent’s room, and finally our room at the top:

(The two little red candy boxes are for our guests tomorrow morning.  Adrian and Kate arrive!)
(The two little red candy boxes are for our guests tomorrow morning. Adrian and Kate arrive!)

Aside from being our TV room, this is also known as the "Red Room."
Aside from being our TV room, this is also known as the "Red Room."
Gigi is now sleeping in her room--granted, Vincent is there too, but that's going to be a hard habit to break.  They are used to sharing a room.
Gigi is now sleeping in her room--granted, Vincent is there too, but that's going to be a hard habit to break. They are used to sharing a room.
We're looking forward to getting all Vincent's awesome art work up on his bedroom walls.
We're looking forward to getting all Vincent's awesome art work up on his bedroom walls.

I divided my room up in two: there's a little changing area for myself behind the bed.
I divided my room up in two: there's a little changing area for myself behind the bed.

The kitchen–it is so nice and big!



And the outside of the house:


The garage is replete with goods: bikes, rollerblades, balls, hula hoops, or and a washer and dryer!
The garage is replete with goods: bikes, rollerblades, balls, hula hoops, or and a washer and dryer!

That’s our house!  I’m missing some outdoor shots, but that saves for another post.  We have a barbeque which we use at least once a week.  We just bought a drill too for hanging all our art–which we definitely have the space for, but I’m kind of waiting for Adrian and his expertise in placement.  We really enjoy our new home.  It is by far the most spacious we’ve ever had.  As I look around, I find it hard to believe we fit all of our belongings in our little sanctuary in Juhu Beach, Mumbai, India.  But we did! Home is where the heart is, and while we miss our old home, we are making the best of this new one.

(Visited 116 times, 1 visits today)

Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

6 thoughts on “Our Shipment has ARRIVED!

  1. Wow, did you do all of that in one day? It looks fabulous and so comfortable. I bet the kids love it!

  2. Hi Annie! It took about three days. We still have more to do, but we are very comfortable. The kids love it! So do the folks!

  3. Hi Ann – Sally and I are still thinking about visiting for Thanksgiving. Just need to accumulate a few more Asia Miles first. We are pretty close. That is of course – if you guys plan on being there during Thanksgiving. If you don’t then it is no problem.

    Big hugs,


    1. @Corkyji Please come! That would be awesome. We don’t have Thursday or Friday off, but we could make the weekend special anyway. We’d love to have you join us over the Thanksgiving holiday.

      Ann and the Fam

  4. Wow! What a cool house you have! Seems big. Are you really close to campus?

    Weather warming up again here in the southland–in the 70s.


  5. The house doesn’t look that good. Hey! I’m in Vincent’s class now! Didn’t know you had a blog! Anyways you got nice shots of Vincent and Gigi.

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