Open Heart Open Mind–Making Lists

I’m a sucker for t-shirts with a message. Always. I’ve also got a bit of a uniform down: graphic tee, quirky skirt, and my sneaks. This message though about having an “Open Heart, Open Mind,” has got me thinking. It definitely speaks to me, but why? Do I really have an open heart and an open mind? Do I want to? And how would I know if I did have an open heart, open mind? Well, it’s time to make a list and attempt to define exactly what makes an individual both open in heart and open in mind…and then hope that I do actually practice what I preach.

Curiosity–someone with an open hear and mind has a curiousness about them. They want to know more–more about people, society, the world, culture, themselves. I’d say I am definitely a curious person. I ask a lot of questions. And if I have a question that doesn’t have an answer, I’ll look it up. I’d also say that people come to me with their questions–heck, it’s in my job description.

Kindness–in order to be open to others, one must be kind in nature. Passing judgement is a human action, yet in being kind to others and open in our heart and mind, we must try to withhold judgement. This is very hard to do, but when we pass judgement on other we close them off–hence in-acting the opposite. I like to believe I am kind; at least I try very hard to be kind towards others. I can always be better though….

Vulnerability–being vulnerable allows others to know that an individual is open to letting others in and is also open to allowing others to view their faults. I’d say this is my toughest characteristic; I don’t do a very good job of letting others in. Ironically I close myself off. This would obviously seem paradoxical as I’m so open on this blog, yet I don’t let people in too closely to know what hardships I experience, what pains I endure, and what qualities make me insecure. So in terms of being vulnerable, I will have to admit to needing to work on this area in order to have a more open heart, open mind.

Honesty–an individual with an open heart and open mind is honest with others. They admit to not being all-knowing. They accept that there is still so much to learn–about themselves, the world in which we live, and the communities in which we relate. Being honest and vulnerable are similar, yet I know I am much better at being honest with others. I’ve been known to wear my heart on my sleeve. I can’t hide much. And if anyone asks me a question, I’ll for sure give them the honest answer. Why I may struggle in the vulnerability area, I may perhaps be too honest.

What do you think? What qualities would you add?

Do you have an Open Heart, Open Mind?

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!