On Vacay

It’s that time! I’m officially on vacay! I’m guilty of not writing last Friday… and I’ll be guilty of much more. It’s time for a small break to catch my breath. I fly to Seattle tonight. Between finishing of the school year last week, celebrating both Father’s Day and Kevin’s birthday on Sunday, and now packing today, I need to catch my breath. My break won’t be too long–just enough to gather some focus. Heck, momentarily I’ll be posting a Target HAUL rather than a wish list!

The end of school year is always such a busy time. It was so nice to finally return to one of our Sunday rituals: having a drink on the promenade at sunset. This promenade is basically both our front and backyard. We are extremely lucky and count our blessings to living on the water. It’s been a while since we took the time to sit and enjoy our surroundings, but this weekend we went to the beach twice and then treated ourselves to a happy hour cocktail too.

We fly out tonight, and I still need to pack. Packing is usually so easy for me when I head to Spirit Lake Idaho: cutoffs, sweatshirt, bathing suit. Now with a summer in Seattle, I’m a bit stumped. For now I’m creating a sort of capsule wardrobe around the colors black and white with pops of red. I know not to pack too much; I’d rather keep space for items to bring back to Hong Kong. For example we desperately need a new bed cover and silverware too. Granted I could find both of those things in Hong Kong, but Target awaits!!

I think my smile looks so relaxed here: yes, I’m ready to be reunited with my son and go watch him play baseball. I’m ready to hit up some second hand stores and get my DIY on. I’m ready to eat salmon from the barbecue and enjoy the view of Lake Washington. Most importantly I’m ready to be reunited with my family back home in the Pacific Northwest–now that’s a refresh.

Here’s to being on vacay!!

*I can’t say how many days I’ll need to get back on track–maybe a week or two…

*This post has been linked up to Catherine’s #iwillwearwhatilike.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!